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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 18

"What do you mean?" Autumn looked at her suspiciously.

Leila was pretty, but she got jealous easily. Moreover, she had a big mouth so she could spread any information to every corner of this office. This is why no one liked her here.

Autumn had no complaints about her, but she felt that Leila might get into trouble one day because of her habit of gossiping.

"Before you came back, I saw Paula sitting in Ryan's office for a long time. I don't know what they were talking about exactly, but she looked very happy when she walked out. I guess that Manager Zhou must have promised her something and tonight's party is to celebrate that." Autumn cast a glance at Paula, who was clearly in a good mood.

But did Ryan's promise to Paula have anything to do with her?

"Ye, Paula was talking about the title of planning director. That position has been vacant for a long time. You've just completed a big project, so I am sure this position is yours but I learned from Paula that..." Leila knitted her brows when talking. She noticed that Autumn's countenance changed.

Autumn didn't meddle in other people's affairs. The position was no big deal for her. It wouldn't change her mind of working here. Leila tried to make Autumn feel that she was trying to protect her from the injustice that was about to happen. However, others might not think so when they heard her. They would think that she was only trying to alienate her from Paula.

"Leila." Autumn stopped her seriously.

"No matter who is promoted to that position, we all work for Cloud. Moreover, the selection of the planning director is beyond our control and I believe that Ryan will make the best choice. So stop saying that again. Don't get yourself in trouble." Autumn stared at Leila, whose face turned sour. She then softened her words," Leila, the last thing you should do at work is gossiping with me. I know your intentions are good, but..."

"Ye, I understand..." Leila forced a smile on her pale face and said," I'll keep that in mind. "

"Fine, go back to work." Since Leila knew her mistakes, there was no need for Autumn to say anything any further. So she watched Leila walk out of her office.

Leila closed the door, with a trace of hatred in her eyes.

Ryan walked out of his office before the knock-off time. "Everyone, go pack your stuff. let's now go out and celebrate. "

"Thank you, Manager Zhou." The whole company reverberated with happiness.

Ryan knocked on the door of Autumn's office. "Let's go, Ye. "

When they got out from the office, it was pitch dark and probably about to rain. Autumn was arranged to seat on the front passenger seat in Ryan's car. It was hard to tell whether this arrangement was on purpose or not.

She was not much of a talker, so she didn't say a word. Ryan spoke to her first. "Ye, I remember you mentioned that your grandmother isn't keeping well these days. How is she now? "

A strange trace flashed through her eyes.

She found it really absurd that she herself had no idea about the health of the closest person in her life.

"Thank you for asking about my grandmother. She feels much better now." Autumn replied with a forced smile.

"Congratulations." Ryan drove the car carefully, and his white fingers clinging on the steering wheel turned pale. "You've been working here for many years, huh?"

"Yes. It's been three years already."

"Yeah, three years." Ryan smiled and said. "How time flies so quickly. When I interviewed you, you were this newly graduated little girl. Your eyes were as clear as crystal at that time. Ah, time... Frightening time...it makes some people better and better, while others become greedier and greedier..."


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