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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 219

It was Leila who spoke to her. From her appearance to even her aura everything seemed to have changed drastically from the way she used to be.

"Leila? So it is you! What a coincidence!" Autumn greeted her with a faint smile. 'Now that I meet her here, it is innocuous to greet her.' Autumn thought to herself.

"Ye, you have come here after such a long time. It feels like I have not seen you in forever, " replied Leila. Leila was a lovely and elegant woman earlier but now she had somehow transformed her usual style with an air of superiority as a sexy woman laced with strong perfume. Autumn was shocked about her change as she had not met her in a long time.

"How have you been doing recently? How is work treating you?" Autumn inquired politely as she thought that it was required of her to extend warm greetings to Leila, her former colleague.

Leila made all efforts to look like a million dollars simply because she was Charles's assistant. The role of playing second fiddle to him went straight to her head leading her to become highly conceited.

Leila always hoped to meet Mrs. Lu someday but as she was drowning in heaps of work in the past few days she did not even pause to think about it.

While bearing in mind that it was Autumn who introduced her in the company for this specific role, she remained kind and courteous to her. "I have to thank you Ye. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have gotten the opportunity to get this job in Shining Company and contribute in the capacity I have. And in a small bid to extend my gratitude, I would love to take you out for a meal, " Leila responded with a big warm smile.

"There is absolutely no need to thank me, Leila. Just work hard and prove your worth." Autumn said while maintaining her calm and dignified tone with a faint smile. She didn't want to waste any more of her time to exchange warm greetings with Leila, as Chris, who was accompanying her, was left waiting. Without thinking more, Autumn smiled and said in a bid to end their conversation. "What are you doing here Leila?"

"Oh there has been a lot of work pilling up these days. Mr. Lu seems to handle the biggest load of work. It may even appear like he has lost his appetite over the increasing burden at work. I asked David about it and he told me that Mr. Lu likes to eat food from this particular restaurant. So I came here to buy some food for him. I was worried that he may develop some health problems if he maintains this poor diet, " replied Leila.

"I see..." A slight frown appeared on Autumn's face as she heard Leila voice her concern. She was immensely worried but she also felt a pinch of discomfort and embarrassment upon hearing her words.

Reflecting upon her tone, Autumn felt like Leila was trying to covet something that belonged to her. Charles was her husband then why should Leila develop such concern and care for his health?

"Well I am going to leave now. Do enjoy your meal, Ye. I will definitely call you later." Her hips swayed as she turned around and walked away. The moment Leila left, Chris asked with a disdainful look, "Autumn, is she an employee in my brother's company?"

"Yes, she is your brother's assistant." Autumn nodded while responding.

"What? You must be joking!" Chris widened her eyes with astonishment and disapproval. "Autumn, how could you possibly be so negligent? How could you allow such a coquettish woman to be Charles's secretary?, " quizzed Chris.

"What's wrong? I don't seem to understand what the problem is with her?" Despite being surprised, Autumn looked at Chris and replied calmly. "She was my colleague in Cloud Advertising Company. She is not just a pretty face and she is very capable. Keeping that in mind, I introduced her to work at your brother's company. I heard from Charles that she is an efficient employee. I am glad that she is able to help your brother."

"But it is obvious that she is attracted to my brother. I am afraid that you are creating troubles for yourself. I don't want you to nurture a snake in your bosom." Chris kindly warned her but then broke into a smile as she continued, "But there is no need for you to worry about it much. My brother has changed quite a lot since you came into his life. No matter what any woman plans to do, my brother will not even glance at her. He loves you so very much."

After hearing this assurance, Autumn blushed away with embarrassment.


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