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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 252

"Autumn, why are you so worried about Mr. Lu? He is just away on official business." Leila sneered and went on to add coldly, "Oh, I see. Mr. Lu is such a brilliant man. You may lack of the sense of security to be with a man like him. After all, for most women, he is Mr. Perfect. But you don't have to worry, because I will keep him company to ensure that he would not do things that he shouldn't do. If you know what I mean. So take it easy."

Autumn did not like Leila talking like this. Leila was acting like a presumptuous guest squeezing herself into the host's role. Who did she think she was? 'I am worried because you always cast your covetous eyes on him.' Autumn said in her mind.

"Really? That would be great then. Thank you very much." Indifferently, Autumn said, "Then tell him to call me later when he finishes his work."

Then she hung up the phone. Autumn was getting tired of doing nothing, but soon remembered that she still hadn't had dinner yet. The thought of this made her hungry so she put on her coat and went out.

She should go and explore the area, try out the local culture of Japan since it was her first time to come here. Autumn went to an izakaya not far away from her hotel. An izakaya is a type of informal Japanese pub, where people prefer for after-work drinking. She chose a table and drank alone, enjoying her own casual moment there.

From time to time, some people would come to strike a conversation with her. Autumn would just show a soft smile, waving at them or shrugging her shoulders to tell them she was unable to understand what they were saying. Seeing this, they have no other choices but to walk away.

The izakaya was near the hotel where she lived. Autumn was not much of a drinker and she knew very well her own drinking capacity. She stopped drinking as soon as she felt a little tipsy.

On the way back to hotel, Autumn made a call to Leila again who was in the car with Charles and David. Leila saw on her phone screen that it was Autumn calling. Instead of picking up, Leila hung up the phone. She thought that it was not convenient for her to answer the phone at that time. Actually, Leila hated receiving any phone calls from Autumn.

Charles had just met an important customer earlier and was forced to drink too much during the meeting -- a typical part of meetings with the Japanese. He had fallen asleep in the car when Autumn called Leila. David heard the phone ring and looked over to Leila. "Is that your boyfriend calling you? Why don't you answer the phone?" David asked curiously.

"Haha, you are being funny. How could it be possible? You must know that I even don't have a boyfriend, " replied Leila with a smile. She paused for a while and then continued, "It is just one of my friends. She is hard up recently, so she has been pestering me several times to borrow money." Leila tried to sound convincing.

"Really?" David didn't say anything else and looked ahead. Though it was easy for him to identify that Leila was lying, he did not make a big deal out of it. Instead, David showed an all-knowing smile and said, "You are beautiful and you are a confident and capable woman. Surely there are many brilliant single men out there ready to make you their queen. But why don't you have a boyfriend yet?"

Obviously, David was smart enough to see through Leila's love and adoration for Charles. However, David hoped that he could enlighten her not to do anything inappropriate. He actually liked Leila's excellent abilities, which was an asset to the company.

"Because I am a picky woman. What do you think?" Leila replied jokingly. Charles was sound asleep beside her. She took this opportunity to steal glimpses and loving gazes at him. If only David wasn't around, she would touch his beautiful face.

"If you say so." David smiled as he heard this from Leila. "But I think maybe you should lower your standards a little bit. Look at Mr. Lu who comes from a notable family, smart and very handsome, yet he was willing to marry Mrs. Lu who is not, in reality, a very remarkable woman. But as you can see, he lives a very happy and sweet life with her, " said David meaningfully.

"Yes, perhaps you are right, " said Leila bitterly and looked away. 'How could Autumn get so lucky and marry someone like Charles? She is poor and comes from a family of questionable reputation. She isn't even that pretty. When it comes to beauty, I am way better in that area. It is really unfair.' Leila let out a sigh.

But as far she was concerned, this game was far from over. She was confident that as long as she spent a lot of time with Charles, he would eventually notice her and fall in love with her.

Leila did not mind waiting for him... as long as she kept her focus toward her clearly defined goal.

"So I think people should not always be overly ambitious. After all a girl as lucky as Mrs. Lu is rare. There is only one Mr. Lu in this world and no one else like him is likely to come along. What do you think?" David asked, staring directly at her. Though David was not sure if Leila would read between the lines and see what he's trying to tell her, he still gave it a try. His loyalty to Charles was remarkable. He didn't want anyone else to make a mess of his life.


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