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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 278

Charles ate a lot since he was in a very good mood, even though he kept complaining about feeling bloated afterwards. Autumn was amused by his words. She laughed at him and said, "Why did you eat so much then? Your stomach must be aching, right? Charles, you can be very funny sometimes."

Charles smiled back at her, but said nothing. They walked downstairs to the company as Autumn was about to go back to her office. "I am afraid that I won't have time to see my grandmother today because of my workload, but if you have some time, please visit her and keep her company. I will have to work an extra shift in the office today, " said Autumn.

She paused for a while and went on to add, "If I can manage to get off work earlier, I will meet up with you, so we can pay her a visit together. Is that all right with you?"

"Sure. As you like it, " Charles nodded with a soft smile. ?Autumn spent the whole afternoon working while her employees were all inspired by the meeting in the morning. They worked diligently and soon completed planning the general structure of the proposal. Autumn was pleased by their hard work and devotion so she decided to give everyone the rest of the day off. Autumn was in a good mood and she looked forward to meeting Charles. When she went to the parking lot, she found Aron's car parked there. She figured that Aron was probably waiting for Isla.

Autumn felt happy for Isla; seeing Aron's car there. She felt relieved knowing that Aron cared about Isla so much. "Hey, Aron." Autumn stepped forward and asked, "Are you waiting for Isla here?"

"Hello, Autumn. Yes, I am waiting for her." However, instead of being cheerful, Aron looked upset. He'd come here almost everyday to see Isla after she got off work, but she'd always avoid meeting him. To add salt to his wound, he found out that she had been seeing other people and going on blind dates.

Autumn was quick to notice the sadness in his eyes. "What's up? You look sad, " Autumn asked him curiously.

"It is difficult to put it all in a nutshell, " replied Aron. Aron took Autumn into his confidence since they had been through a lot of hardships together during their childhood. Thus, when Autumn showed her concern for him, he began to pour out his grievances to her. "Autumn, Isla is still mad at me. She is still reluctant to talk to me, even though I have already apologized to her sincerely, many times. I am so worried; I don't know what to do, I am at a loss here."

"What? She is still angry with you?" She assumed that they had cleared the air and that everything in the past was just water under the bridge, but she did not expect to find that things between them were still unresolved.

Turns out Isla was being very stubborn and perhaps it was because she felt greatly wronged this time.

"Why are you here? I have told you not to come here again." Isla's voice chimed in abruptly as they were talking. She kept a straight face, and spoke with an impatient tone when she saw Aron. She rushed up to him angrily and asked, "Why won't you listen to me? I have told you this before."

"Isla, please don't talk like that, " persuaded Autumn. She reached out, grabbed Isla's sleeve and tried to calm her down. Autumn felt guilty since she helped Aron to keep the truth from Isla, she felt that she should also be held responsible for that. "Calm down, Isla. Just talk to him."

"Autumn, I know that you care about me, but I can handle this on my own. Don't worry about me, " Isla said while keeping a straight face. She turned to Aron, her eyes filled with apathy, and said "Aron, this is the last time I will warn you. Don't ever come to see me again. I don't ever want to see you either. Do you understand me now?"

"Isla..." ?Aron grew sadder upon hearing Isla. Every time he stepped closer to her, she would step back, to keep a certain distance between them. Aron had no choice but to stop, then he said to her in a gentle voice, "Okay, stop. I won't come closer to you, but Isla, you've been angry with me for so many days, when can we sit down and have a real talk? Give me a chance to explain myself to you, " Aron implored, sincerely.

"I think we don't need to have a talk at all. There is nothing for us to talk about. I have somewhere I need to be right now. I've gotta go, " said Isla coldly. Isla forced herself to be impolite to him, but, as a matter of fact, she also felt very frustrated.

She had suffered for a long time because of him, thus, she decided not to get close to him, because she didn't want to get hurt by him again.

It's a basic part of human nature to avoid disadvantages, that have caused them to suffer a traumatic experience. So when they expect something similar, they immediately choose to circumvent it rather than confront it head on.

"Are you going on a blind date today?" Aron asked in a sad voice while his eye brows furrowed.

"That is none of your business. You don't need to worry about me." Isla responded in a cold voice. "You are just a stranger to me now, " added Isla.


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