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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 380

Rachel put all efforts to ensure her expressions defy her emotions and thoughts. Internally, she was dying of jealousy, but she could not afford letting her anger reflect on her face let alone her actions. After all, Chris was Edward's biological daughter. If Rachel expressed animosity towards Chris, Edward might blatantly favor and defend Chris. If she lost Edward's trust and lost his favor, she wouldn't be able to get any money from him.

Chris was sitting right next to Edward when she suddenly heaved a heavy sigh. Edward anxiously asked her, "What's the matter? Everything is okay, isn't it? Your sigh has scared me."

"I am particularly worried…" Chris took a big breath before she explained, "I have a stepmother now. If she gives birth to some babies, will you still cherish and love me with the same veracity as now? After all I am only your daughter. Your son might grow to be more important. Besides, I am not living with you. It's only natural for you to ignore me in the future. You will provide for that child, watch him grow and guide him. How could you not love him more?"

Edward's face darkened as he heard Chris' concern, he had not considered this scenario earlier. Rachel laughed and tried to jump in again, "Chris, thank you for your gentle reminder. Edward, why don't we have a child? He will be cute and handsome. He will also have Chris as his elder sister to guide him..."

"Just shut your trap!" Edward snapped at Rachel furiously, as he frowned in contemplation, "I am too old to have a baby. If you want a child, then go and have a baby all by yourself. I do not share dreams of such a future with you!"

Edward's ruthless refusal astounded Rachel. It took her quite a while to gulp her pride and get past the shock. The moment she returned to reality, the words escaped her mouth before she realized what she was saying, "Why are you so angry at me all the time? I was just thinking about it and expressed it aloud."

Edward looked at Rachel with a cold stare to intimidate her and warned, "Don't even think about it anymore..."

Upon seeing Rachel's gloomy expression, Chris felt excited and proud of what she had accomplished. But she was confused by Edward's attitude and reaction. She did not expect him to act so harshly and treat her with such rudeness. 'They are newlyweds. Shouldn't he be happy if Rachel gives birth to a son? Why... is he so unwilling to even consider it let alone talking about it?'

Before Chris could try to figure out the reason for Edward's abnormal hostility, Edward started to console her, "Don't worry. You will be my only child all my life. I can't bear to share the love I have for you with anyone else..."

"Thank you for your warm assurance, Father." Chris replied as she flung herself into Edward's arms. Rachel looked utterly bewildered by Edward's reaction. She pondered over the matter, 'Even though Edward clearly said he did not want a baby, I am sure he will be excited if I get pregnant.'

"Good girl! If you have time, please come to my house and stay for a couple of days. I really hope you could spend some time with me, " Edward said with an optimistic smile. Chris answered awkwardly, "I am afraid I can't do so."

"But why?" inquired Edward.

"Grandpa and I have some plans. Tomorrow we will be officially signing some paperwork. He is transferring his shares of the Shining Company over to me, so … I will be as busy as a bee over the next few days. I will definitely take you up on your offer once my schedule frees up a little." Chris sincerely apologized.

Upon hearing how much his brother cared and loved his daughter, Edward felt it was time for him to shower some love on Chris as well. He then eagerly said, "I will also call my lawyer and ask him to prepare documents at the earliest so that I can transfer my property in your name. It will be done soon. You will marry with a mammoth dowry which will safeguard and cement your future."

"Father, there is no need for such a huge gesture, " Chris refused repeatedly, but Edward insisted nonetheless. Chris was pretending and was internally happy simply because she didn't want her father to be cheated by Rachel.

Right at this moment, Rachel began to regret her suggestion to visit with Edward.

She glanced at Autumn who was sitting nearby and pulled Edward by the sleeve. "Edward, don't forget the other purpose of our visit, " she reminded Edward gently.

"What purpose is she referring to?" Chris asked curiously.

Edward couldn't see Charles in the lobby or in the vicinity, so he asked with wrinkled forehead, "Nothing. Chris, where is your brother?"


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