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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 394

Edward stared at Rachel while recalling his ordeal. "When I was given the news, I went to seek the opinion of several other doctors, going to hospitals here and abroad, asking if there was a way to reverse my condition. But everyone said the same thing. There was still no cure for this medical condition."

His eyes then took on a look of steel. "And then you tell me that your pregnancy test says you're having a baby? Do you really think you can fool me? Not everyone is as stupid as you are!" he spat.

Edward drew a long breath and then exhaled deeply. He was beginning to regret not listening to Chris' advice before deciding to marry Rachel. He even defended Rachel in front of his family, hoping to make them see that Rachel was really a kind and wonderful woman and that they simply misunderstood her. Now everything he'd said and done seemed so ridiculous. Everyone, except himself, saw Rachel's true character.

No one was more surprised at the revelations than Chris. And she knew underneath the anger, her father was really just saddened by Rachel's deception. This time, the woman was truly reaping what she had sown.

But Edward was her main concern. "Dad, you know how too much anger is bad for your health. You need to calm down. Here, have some water, " she offered.

Chris handed him a glass, and then assured her father, "No matter what happens, I'm here for you. You will never be alone."

Edward suddenly felt uncomfortable hearing his daughter's reassuring words. He realized he owed the girl so much for everything that had happened in the last twenty years. And if he'd only listened to her warning about Rachel, things may not have gotten worse.

It was true what people said that experience was the best teacher. But it was lucky for Edward who could do something about bad situations.

Seeing that she was not gaining any sympathy, Rachel bawled out loud and clutched her husband's leg. "Edward, I am truly sorry. Please, please forgive me, " she begged.

In her heart, she knew Edward would never trust her again, so Rachel decided the best thing to do was grovel. Perhaps, that would soften his heart even just a little.

"For a moment, I lost my mind. I am truly sorry. And I won't ever dare betray you again, " she vowed.

She clung to Edward's leg, pleading, "I really regret my behavior and actions. I know I was wrong. But I am sorry for it now. Please give me a chance, Edward."

But her husband would not be pacified. "Get away from me!" he shouted.

He was so disgusted about what she had done and could not contain his rage, even with her apology. He went with his emotions and kicked Rachel hard. The impact caused her to fall, and her head slammed into a teapot.

Everyone was taken aback, and no one moved quickly enough to catch Rachel.

There was a loud thump when the head and teapot collided, and soon Rachel's head started to bleed. She passed out.

The sight of blood spurred Charles into action. He rushed towards her and started to lift Rachel, looking at the others for assistance. Then he barked orders, "We need to get her to the hospital immediately. Move!"

Autumn moved as quickly as her husband and helped him as he carried Rachel into the car. Edward and Chris followed close behind. Arriving at the hospital, Rachel was rushed into the emergency room. She would need surgery. Edward looked stricken as he stood silently, watching doctors and nurses take care of his wife.

As furious as he was with Rachel for her indiscretion, he truly loved the woman. He married her even against the wishes of his family. He envisioned their union to be peaceful and happy. It was only later when he realized that Rachel was not the simple woman he thought her to be. He now saw she was a wolf hidden behind sheep's clothing. Edward now recalled several reports by servants that Rachel would leave at midnight after he fell asleep.

It dawned on him now that she may have been putting sleeping pills in his water, for how could he not be aware that she was always going out as soon as he fell asleep?

He was jolted back to the present by hearing Chris' voice.

"Don't worry, Dad. She'll be all right."

Edward managed a sad smile, and then patted Chris on the arm. "I'll be fine."

He was now worried that if something terrible happened to Rachel, she would use it as an excuse to keep pestering Chris and make more trouble for his daughter.

Chris was his only child and he would do everything to protect her from Rachel or anyone else who would try to harm her, even if he had to pay a heavy price for his actions.

Autumn interrupted the father and daughter. "Chris, let's get your hand treated first, " she said pulling her towards the nurse station.

She remembered Chris had cut her hand back at Edward's house and worried it could get infected. "It needs to be cleaned and treated."

But Chris insisted her injury was nothing serious. "Really, I'm okay, " she assured Autumn.

Inspecting the wound, she said, "It's just a small cut. See, it's already stopped bleeding."


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