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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 433

Leila remained more than willing and keen to evolve his scheme against Autumn. Besides, Yvonne would be an ace, at the right time, to win the game.

"We will arrange it all for you." Ferry's underlings withdrew, and then Ferry was relieved to reflect for a moment.

Upon learning about Nancy's betrayal and Autumn's fake miscarriage, Ferry felt almost crippled and powerless to reverse the situation, at that moment. He knew he had to come up with something soon.

"Andy, how could you spare him like this? I don't understand." Charles expressed his displeasure and anger to Andy after leaving the nightclub. "He should be cruelly punished for harming Autumn and making her suffer as much as she did!"

"It is enough!" Andy looked at Charles helplessly. After getting into the car with Charles he retrospected about the entire incident. "Your dissatisfaction and anger are perfectly understandable, but I, after considering my family bliss, could not get myself to do anything desperate as I did before. All I can do is to remove Ferry from Y City to prevent him from harming Autumn again. That should help the situation."

Andy just would not do anything extreme at the risk of bothering his family. He hoped Charles could show maturity and understand the other side of the story. Things were not always black and white.

"Okay, I understand your reasons and thank you for trying your best." Charles nodded subtly to indicate his understanding, as Autumn was now safe from any attack. This was all he hoped for.

Meanwhile, in the ward, Autumn had been lying on the bed for quite a long time. Anthony was growing more anxious and impatient with every passing minute to learn the truth. "I think it is time that you are supposed to tell me what was going on."

"Nothing special. Believe me. I was just fooling someone here." Autumn spoke to Anthony in a playful yet humorous tone, "I have started to doubt your professional skills, as even a single patient did not visit you during my long stay here. A rather curious observation..."

Anthony felt agitated upon hearing that.

Anthony was feeling like an idiot who was overenthusiastic to cure Autumn, who, at that moment, was a perfectly fine pregnant woman. It hurt his ego even to admit that in his mind.

Anthony then expressed his displeasure to Autumn after she raised her pertinent doubt. "Give me the benefit of the doubt, even if a patient wanted my consultation and was waiting for me, I am sure he or she was scared away by the sensational incident which just occurred here."

Autumn realized that Anthony's story did hold water.

"Autumn, how much longer do you want to stay here?" Anthony was quite cooperative with Autumn in putting up the entire play to meet Autumn's motives, even though Autumn had not told him of what all was going on.

But now Autumn had been there for an unreasonably prolonged period.

"Just a little more time, but less than what was expected..." Autumn drew her watch instinctively. 'Over two hours have passed since Charles's departure. My plan will pay off if Brent will return safe and sound, ' Autumn thought to herself nervously.

"I am feeling rather hungry now, " Autumn told Anthony whimsically.

Anthony managed to respond to Autumn's request, "It is amazing for you to be able to enjoy dinner here."

Anthony drew out a well packed box from a stand and addressed Autumn, "This is the meal I got packed from home. I can heat it for you."

"Thank you for this gesture. I would love that, " Autumn replied almost immediately.


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