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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 439

The ladies chatting with Autumn scampered to bring her a chair. Then one of them said to Isla," So you don't know that Autumn is pregnant with twins?"

Isla's eyes lit up. "Really?" She turned to Autumn, who gave a shy smile while nodding. Isla gripped Autumn's hands in delight and asked more questions about the babies.

After several more minutes of chatting with everyone, Isla invited Autumn into her office so they could talk more privately.

She was starting to say something, paused, and remembered there was something she wanted to tell Autumn. "Do you still remember Roger?" she inquired gently.

Autumn was puzzled and repeated," Roger?"She nodded and asked," What about Roger?" The sudden question made her slightly curious.

"We've organized several activities recently," Isla began to explain. "I saw Roger attend one of them." She waited for Autumn's reaction. When there was none, she continued," He said hello and asked about your condition. I told him you were pregnant and needed to rest at home."

Autumn arched a brow. "Why was he asking about my condition?" They had not seen each other for a while so Autumn was puzzled about his inquiry.

"Well, he remains very grateful to you and said he wanted to thank you personally. After all, he is now quite famous and with countless of fans. In fact, he's about as popular as Rachel was during her time," Isla said. She sighed, thinking that it was really hard to predict what destiny had in store for you. In this case, Rachel's reputation was damaged, while Roger's fame rose.

"Is that so?" Autumn smiled at her friend. With her time and attention focused on her unborn babies, Autumn neither had the time or energy to bother about other peoples' lives.

Isla had more to say. "Roger also said Rachel had been calling him for days just to annoy him for taking her place as a popular celebrity. Recently, she was asking him for compensation because she had an abortion because of him. Roger said he would consider her demand, but wanted to know what you thought about it." While Isla didn't really want to mention this to Autumn, she had learned that Edward couldn't find Rachel. She thought by relating this to Autumn, this might help Edward locate Rachel.

Autumn looked at Isla without saying anything. She didn't want to get involved in this matter, but Chris was getting married soon and she was still in trouble that was all because of Rachel. Hearing some news about Rachel, Autumn thought she might deal with her for the sake of Chris and Edward.

She rubbed her temples and thought, 'I'll consider it my gift for Chris' wedding.' Isla said nothing, waiting for Autumn to speak.

"Do you have Roger's phone number?" she finally asked. Isla jumped at the request.

"Yes! I have his assistant's number." She quickly searched for the number, rummaging through her desk before finding where she had written it down and handed a piece of paper to Autumn.

She handed Autumn the telephone, who quickly dialed the number. Fortunately, she got through immediately. Before she could even introduce herself, Roger's assistant recognized her voice and said," You are Miss Zhao, right? I'll ask Roger to take your call. Please wait."

He had been briefed by Roger that a call from Miss Zhao was extremely important. And no matter what he was doing, he would take the call.

After several minutes, Autumn heard Roger's voice. "Mrs. Lu, this is a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?"

"Roger…" Autumn began. "I have a favor to ask of you," she said.


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