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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 444

"Okay, I accept your conditions but you must bear the promise in mind." Chris agreed almost immediately and said," I'll arrange everything for you and will meet you at the gate of Civil Affairs Bureau at 8 am tomorrow. Once you finish the formality, I'll give you the credit card and ticket. Is it okay?"

"OK," Rachel answered happily knowing she just landed a good deal. She had thought it through and realized that it was the best decision she could make under the circumstances. After all she was still young enough to start a new chapter abroad.

Rachel went home and packed up all her belongings including valuable jewelries and handbags, she was preparing to take everything with her.

On their way home, Edward looked at Chris and said," Why did you agree to her terms?"

In Edward's mind, it felt like a waste giving Rachel even a penny let alone one million that Chris had promised.

"Did I do something wrong?" Chris smiled and said to Edward," Isn't it worth it to get your freedom and put an end to your concerns at a cost of one million?"

"But..." Edward frowned slightly. "I referred to the dowry my grandpa had prepared for me on purpose so that you would tell me about the dowry you would give me."

"What?" Amazed, Edward looked at Chris. He couldn't believe that his beloved daughter cared and thought only about his wealth.

Edward felt so crippled by sadness and he felt like he simply could not trust anyone any more.

"Please let me finish what I am saying before you react..." Chris continued with an assuring smile," I was really very angry and upset when you decided to marry Rachel. I cared about you so I was constantly worried that she might cheat you, I feared that she would take away your ability to love and also your wealth. With that, I decided to do something to help you so that at least you wouldn't lose everything when you face her reality. I considered for a long time and finally decided to keep your wealth in the form of dowry, which would be inaccessible for her."

Chris added," I planned to keep everything you gave me aside just in case you were cheated by her. But I didn't expect Rachel to show her true colors so soon that I just took an action."

Chris went on with a bright smile," I didn't expect that would happen so soon. With that said, I found it worthy to buy your peaceful life hereafter with one million."

Edward was so moved by her thoughtful and loving gesture that he was rendered speechless. His beloved daughter helped him so much secretly even when he constantly chose Rachel and didn't listen to her warnings. He felt so sorry for her and yet guilty about everything.

He had never taken care of her by himself. On the contrary, Chris was the one who was always concerned for him once they were reunited.

He let out a sigh. "I owe you too much, child," he said with gratitude.

"Don't say that, Dad!" Chris said with a warm smile. "As along as Rachel is far away from you, everything I did is worthwhile.

Edward was so moved by Chris' kind words. From now on, he would try his best to compensate her to ensure that she would lead a happy and fruitful life.

"Autumn!" As she entered the house, Chris yelled out ecstatically at Autumn who was eating fruits on the sofa. Autumn was scared by Chris' sudden loud voice and asked," What happened? Is everything okay?"

Chris gave Autumn a big warm hug and kissed her on her cheeks, and then she said," Autumn, I found Rachel. Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done without your help!"

"Really? I am so relieved and happy to hear that." Autumn also got excited for Chris. "So how did you deal with the entire situation?"


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