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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 487

Anthony offered his condolences to Arthur, Amy and Charles. "I heard what happened to Emily," the doctor said. His wrinkled forehead signaled worry. He paused before facing the three. "I think it's best that Autumn does not know about this," he said. Anthony waited for a reaction before continuing,"Any more emotional blows will not be good for her."

"I understand," Charles nodded in agreement. Although he was concerned about the unborn babies, Charles was more worried about his wife's health.

'Emily's funeral is set in three days. Autumn should be there to see her off, but…' Charles hesitated.

Amy with her reddened eyes suggested,"We'll take care of Emily's burial. But Autumn shouldn't be there." With a sigh, she stressed,"Too bad for Emily."

Arthur looked at his wife and gently told her,"Emily will understand."

As he grieved silently, Arthur thought, 'I'm sorry, Emily. Please understand why Autumn can't be there to see you off. Don't blame her, okay?'

They three all agreed to keep Emily's death from Autumn. Charles knew Autumn would be very upset and blame him once she found out, but he already made up his mind that she couldn't be there.

"Now we need to make up a story." Anthony's voice snapped Arthur back to the present. "For sure Autumn will be inquiring about Emily's condition," he said. He was quiet for a moment, thinking. Finally, he suggested,"What if we tell Autumn Emily needs treatment abroad? And explain to her that it is so sudden that we aren't able to inform her of the plans immediately."

"That's it. I don't think we have another option." Arthur nodded, his heart heavy.

Anthony went ahead into the ward to first check on his patient. He ordered her to get some rest and Autumn reluctantly agreed.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, okay?" the doctor offered. He did his best to mask the worry he felt before leaving Autumn. Anthony nodded at the three who were waiting outside the ward and gestured for them to come in. Charles entered first and approached Autumn's bed.

"There you are!" Autumn exclaimed. Her eyes lit up as she saw her husband. She tried to sit up, with great effort, but finally gave up. Charles quickly came to her side and helped her lie down again. With a look of concern, he reminded Autumn,"And what did the doctor tell you?" Holding his wife's hands, he said,"He told you to stay in bed and get some rest, right? So, stop trying to get up."

Autumn was quick to reassure her husband,"I'm fine, really." Then she remembered,"How is Emily?"

Charles felt a flutter of panic. "She's…" he faltered. Autumn noticed the hesitancy and distress on her husband's face. She gripped Charles' hand and asked nervously,"What's wrong with Emily?" Autumn urged,"Is she all right?"

Her husband stroked her hand and gave a small smile. "She's fine. Don't worry, okay?" Hoping Autumn didn't notice, he took a deep breath before continuing. "Well, her doctor said there was little they could do to treat her here. So, Grandpa Arthur made some calls and quickly decided to send her abroad for another kind of treatment. Everything happened so suddenly, and I didn't have time to tell you about it," Charles explained hurriedly.

Charles' words terrified Autumn. She mumbled to herself,"Went abroad?" She spoke louder, still doubtful,"She left all of a sudden?"

Charles nodded. "Yes," he swallowed the lie. He was having a difficult time hiding the fluster in his voice. Charles was a poor liar. But he had to lie to protect Autumn. It still didn't feel right. Eyes filled with concern, he told Autumn,"Grandpa Arthur made the decision for Emily's sake. We didn't expect her condition to worsen quickly."

Autumn said nothing. She closed her eyes, trying to absorb everything Charles told her. "Can her condition be treated abroad?" she finally asked. She kept looking at Charles for reassurance.

"Grandpa Arthur found an experienced medical expert for Emily. We are hoping he can keep her alive longer," Charles replied. He looked pleadingly at his wife. "Grandpa Arthur did this for her."


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