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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 494

Charles knew he shouldn't have blamed Andy for Autumn's disappearance, but was unable to control himself. He had been close to losing his mind since his wife went missing.

"Sorry. I forgot to mention that he traveled by sea," Andy told Charles. He understood Charles' behavior because he felt responsible for what happened and decided to cut him some slack. "I'm sorry about what happened," Andy offered.

But Charles was inconsolable. "Sorry? It's useless apologizing," he said harshly. "Can your sorry bring my Autumn back?" he said in despair. Charles stared at Andy with bloodshot eyes. Suddenly, he raised his fist and was about to strike the other man. Chris grabbed her brother with all her strength.

"Calm down, Charles! Now isn't the time for violence. What's important is that we find Ferry and Autumn. Blaming people at this point isn't going to help us." Chris gripped Charles' arm tightly until her brother started to relax.

'She's a pregnant woman. Where could she have gone?' Charles wondered.

"Charles, what happened was all our fault," Abby said. "Once we find Autumn we'll accept whatever punishment you give us." She kept rubbing her rounded belly to soothe her nerves.

The incident had depressed everyone, especially Arthur and Amy, who just recently reunited with their granddaughter. The two seemed to have aged faster because of too much worrying. They never expected Autumn to be involved in something like this.

"Autumn is pregnant with twins. It's too dangerous for her to be out there now." Chris was tearful as she kept thinking about Autumn.

Sam did his best to console Chris. Charles was in agony and had to deal with his fears. He felt worse as he saw people around him suffering.

He suddenly stood up to go out. Chris cried out to stop him. "Where are you going?"

"Get out of my way. I'm going to look for her," Charles snarled. Chris saw her brother looking very serious and restless. He detested not being able to do anything to find his wife.

"No! You can't go," Chris pleaded. She stood to block his path. "You've been up for a long time. You need to sleep. Otherwise, you'll be sick."

Chris was now just as concerned about Charles' health as she was about Autumn.

She knew if her brother continued to worry about his wife without eating or sleeping properly, he would soon collapse.

Charles raised his voice,"I'm saying it again, get out of my way!" He didn't want to listen to any of them. All he could think about was finding Autumn.

"Listen to me, please," Chris begged. She was terribly disappointed with her brother's behavior. Chris said,"When Autumn disappeared, I know it's possible that she could be dead. So, I think it's useless to go rushing off to look for her."

Charles' head snapped back. His sister's words stung. He was furious at Chris for saying the words that he slapped her cheek.

It was the first time he ever laid a hand on his sister. But his emotions were spiraling out of control. He growled,"Listen carefully. I will never believe she is dead until I see her body!"

"Ohhh! You are so stubborn!" Chris cried. The sting of his palm hitting her cheek brought tears to her eyes.

Everyone in the family was worried about Autumn's disappearance. But what she told Charles was a real possibility, and Chris couldn't understand why her brother was denying it.

"We all need to calm down, please," Sam gently pushed Chris aside. To Charles, he said,"I have all my men looking for Autumn. If I receive any news about her whereabouts, I will inform you as soon as possible." Sam continued to look Charles in the eye.

"Thank you," Charles finally said. Then he stepped out of the house, his head bowed, and left his whole family astonished.

Abby began to feel pain in her womb, so Andy immediately brought her to the hospital. They wanted Anthony to examine Abby but learned the doctor had taken the week off.

Andy was puzzled why Anthony suddenly went on leave at such a crucial time but had no time to ask for an explanation.


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