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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 502

"It's all right," Sheryl said as she hugged Shirley closer to her. She gently passed her fingers through Shirley's hair and asked her with a smile,"Why do you ask me this suddenly, Shirley?" She maintained a smile on her face and looked at her daughter's face, trying to read her mind.

"They all have a daddy, but I don't," said Shirley softly as she lifted her face to look at Sheryl. Sheryl could see it coming. And no matter how much you prepare for such questions, you can't save yourself from the awkwardness of the situation. Sheryl kept looking at Shirley patiently as Shirley continued,"They say daddy and mommy should be married. So if you marry Tony, I will have a daddy, too." For a little girl of her age, Shirley couldn't definitely understand what the word marry meant. She just thought it to be a kind of a bridge that will make her equal to her peers.

Even at this tender age she could make out that she was different from the other kids. And she even knew the fact that it was just a daddy that was needed to complete her family. And for getting daddy home, her mommy had to get married to one.

"So do you really like Tony or not?" Sheryl asked Shirley as she held her tight on her lap. Anthony had proposed her several times in the last few years, but every time she hesitated. She didn't have the courage to say yes. Every time, she ended up refusing him.

But Anthony didn't give up. He had been kind to them all the time. He had been like a support for them all these years. He was ready to wait for her to say yes.

"Tony is nice to me. I want him to be my daddy." Shirley sounded very clear and confident as she spoke. Sheryl couldn't help being amazed at the clarity of mind her little girl exhibited.

It is so surprising how observant the kids are. Shirley was very well aware of the fact that Anthony was not her real father. However, she realized that it would be good for her and Sheryl if they got married. She could even see how Sheryl worked hard to make the ends meet and remained tired most of the time.

In her small little heart, Shirley seemed to be planning for her mommy's future. Sheryl could not stop admiring her little one for the sensitivity and concern she showed towards her.

However, what Shirley demanded was a difficult target to be achieved. Because no matter how much the situation seemed to be getting better if she agreed to marry Anthony, it would not be possible. Simply because, Sheryl had no feelings towards him.

Hence, she listened to Shirley patiently and ended the discussion saying,"It's late, sweetie. Time for you to go to bed." Sheryl pulled the quilt for her and patted her good night.

Mornings are usually super busy for mothers and more so if you are a single mother. The next day started with Sheryl diligently readying Shirley for her kindergarten. After she dropped Shirley to the kindergarten, she headed towards an interview of BM Corporation.

It was grand spring-summer fashion show that was being organized by BM Corporation. Sheryl and her friend Sue had made an appointment for that interview.

Sue had been a constant support for Sheryl ever since. Sheryl landed in this foreign land with a baby in her arm. The two women from eastern origin felt like finding a home in each other in an unknown country. By the time Sheryl reached BM Corporation's office, Sue was already waiting for her.

"You're late, Sher. Is everything alright?" Sue said with a sigh of relief when she saw Sheryl entering the office. "Thank God, you have come! You're the next. Come on, make it fast!"

Sheryl hastened to check her papers. "Sorry to be late. I sent Shirley to the kindergarten, but then I got stuck in the traffic jam." Sheryl awkwardly explained to Sue with an apologetic look on her face. She really looked worked up for being late.

"Next one, Sheryl Xia, please." She hadn't yet finished giving her explanation to Sue and she heard her name being called. She looked startled at the lady in the front office and then looked at Sue once again. She had her mouth half open as if she wanted to say something to Sue. But since her name had been called, she had no choice than to leave the conversation in the middle and go ahead for the interview. She just took a deep breath and said to Sue,"Wish me luck! Talk to you later."

Sue raised her thumb and said,"Good Luck." Sue spoke with a wide smile on her face and tried to cheer her up. Sheryl smiled and took long strides ahead.

As Sheryl walked towards the office, multiple thoughts crossed her mind. A lot depended on this interview. Hence, she was also a bit nervous. She made a lot of money from her career as a model, but she spent most of it on Shirley. She was her only child and like every mother she wanted to give her all the happiness in the world and also protect her with all her might. More so, she had played the role of a father as well as a mother.

She could not say no to Shirley for anything. Hence, no matter how much money she made through modelling, she could hardly save a penny.

She had been swimming against the tide ever since she landed in this country. She was determined to crack the interview no matter what. Clearing this interview would mean getting the job that would free her of any financial worries for a period of time.

Hence, she straightened up her spine, took a deep breath and strode ahead with all her determination.

The modeling world has very tough rules. It is a place where the new faces get more preferences. Sheryl did not have the best figure. Nor did was she the youngest. Rather she had all these factors that could work against her whenever she went for a modelling assignment. But just because some of these pull back factors, she could not afford to quit. If not for her own self, she had to keep trying for Shirley.


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