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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 515

Despite feeling embarrassed, Sheryl repeated her words. Upon seeing her flustered face, Anthony quickly grabbed and held her in his arms. "Sher, your words make me see how much you value this relationship," Anthony said in a loving tone. "And it truly makes me happy to know that we can spend our lives together in the future," he further added.

"You are truly a naughty man!" Sheryl replied at the sight of the happy, innocent-looking man. Anthony smiled earnestly and held Sheryl closer after hearing her reply.

After some time, Anthony pulled Sheryl from his arms and stared at her with serious eyes and said,"Sheryl, as a physician, I am confident that I can support you and Shirley financially and share the burden with you. At the very least, you can trust me with this."

"Anthony, I have no doubts in your capabilities. I know you have a stable job and you're well-off. But please try to understand, I am a single mother and was an independent woman before I met you," Sheryl said. A gleam of confidence and sincerity was seen in her eyes. Sighing, she continued,"Do you have any idea why our relationship has been filled with doubts and distress from the very beginning?"

Stunned by her question, Anthony couldn't find the right words to say. Seeing her so eager to hear his reply, Anthony finally said,"I can promise my lifelong commitment to you, regardless of what the world says." His words sounded upset, but determined.

Upon hearing him say these words, Sheryl was moved by the sincerity of his promise. But her feelings of doubt and fear made her say in reply,"My past, including whether I was married or not, is nothing to me." "But the reality that I am a single mother is something I couldn't hide or try to change," Sheryl added in conclusion to the doubts she was feeling.

After finishing her words, she took a deep sigh and made a woeful glance at her daughter's room. "Anthony, you are a well-off bachelor. You deserve someone who is richer and more beautiful to justify your family's name. What I am trying to say is that a single mother like me is not a good match for you," Sheryl said.

All this time, Anthony's parents were against their son's relationship with Sheryl. They became more furious upon learning their possible marriage.

If only Craig were alive, then their possible marriage would easily become a reality.

However, not even Craig knew the existence of Sheryl.

Sheryl's real given name was actually Autumn. But even this remained a secret to Craig.

By hiding her real identity, Anthony never would've thought how much trouble this could bring on him.

"I understand. Now, I can finally see why you are caught in a dilemma," he replied. If Sheryl were given the chance to be Anthony's mother, she would definitely do the same. She would also be furious that her son was marrying a single mother. How could he choose someone like her despite other women with better qualities and standard of living?

Anthony's parents' disagreement to their relationship was perfectly understood by Sheryl. She respected their views so much that she could even give up Anthony if he were to find a better and perfect woman for him.

"But Sheryl, really, you don't need to worry about such trivial things," Anthony added. "I am a grown up now and I can make my own decisions, including marrying you. If my parents disagree with us, I'll move out to live with you and Shirley, and I won't go back to my parents' home." Anthony concluded while staring directly at Sheryl's eyes. Sheryl's eyes widened by the words she just heard.

"That is absolute nonsense!" Sheryl exclaimed in disapproval. "Your family means a lot to you! I can't even give you half of what they gave you!" she further added furiously. Shirley, still enraged by the words she just heard, continued,"A year ago, you were unable to make it to your dying grandpa's bedside just before he passed away. And then you've remained depressed for half a year! How could you say that?"


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