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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 534

Sheryl was taken aback. She asked Sue in a doubting voice,"Are you very sure?" She paused, reflected and then said flatly,"Sue, you are reading too much into this. Perhaps they just look alike. Charlie told me he didn't have a father."

"Maybe you are right, Sheryl," Sue replied. Inhaling deeply, she said with a sigh,"I would pity the child if he were that man's son."

Sheryl decided to move on. "I'm going to have dinner with Charlie. Would you like to join us?" She invited Sue with a pleasant smile.

Sue shook her head as she lazily replied,"Much as I would love to, I think I will pass. I'm so very tired after several days of rehearsal. I need to get some rest."

"Well then, see you later!" Sheryl said giving a small, cheerful wave. She took Charlie's hand and walked briskly towards the door. Charlie turned around and courteously told Sue,"Goodbye, Aunt Sue!". Sue's face reddened when she heard Charlie call her "Aunt Sue".

As they walked out, a concerned Sheryl asked Charlie,"How did you get here? Does your mother know that you are here?" Frowning to herself, she thought, 'Although he is smarter than most kids, he is just a little child. It is dangerous to be out alone with the bad guys roaming the streets.'

Charlie looked up at Sheryl and proudly said,"I checked the route online before coming here. I boarded bus No.12 from the front of my house. I then got off and took bus No.7. After five stops I reached the hotel."

Sheryl stared at the boy, dumbfounded. 'He is such an amazing child. So logical and capable of handling himself when he is just three or four years old. I marvel at his mother. She has raised such an excellent child, ' she exclaimed inside.

Charlie had no idea what Sheryl was thinking. If he knew her thoughts, he would have told her that his intelligence had nothing to do with Leila.

Leila never paid much attention to his studies. He learned more from watching TV than from his mother.

In Shining Company

Leila stared anxiously at Charles' office door. These days she seldom saw or met Charles. He rarely came to the office. Even today he was coming only because some important documents needed his signature.

Only David was allowed to enter his office. Anyone who wanted to meet Charles had to go through David.

Leila had turned to Chris for help, but Chris could do nothing about it.

Chris had only informed her that Charles would go to work today. On learning this, Leila was determined to somehow meet her boss Charles. She planned to bring him to her house so he could meet Charlie.

Charles sensed that Leila was planning to corner him. As soon as David finished his reporting, Charles left his office in a hurry. He naively believed what happened between him and Leila that night would go away if he didn't mention it or think about it.

However, Leila was unwilling to let it go easily.

Noticing Charles walking out of his office, Leila dashed forward and stopped him. "Mr. Lu, we need to talk," she gushed.

Charles knitted his brows at the sight of Leila. When he saw the confusion in David's and Alice's eyes, his forehead wrinkled into a frown. He shifted his gaze to Leila and said,"Okay. Follow me!"

Charles strode back into his office, followed by Leila. Before she could close the door and utter a single word, he said in a low, angry voice,"Leila, I don't know what happened that night. I was drunk and I don't remember anything."

With a scowling face, he continued,"If I offended you that night, I apologize to you. Just tell me what you want. I'll try my best to make amends."

Charles thought he could get away by offering some monetary compensation to Leila for sleeping with her that night.


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