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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 54

Autumn thought that she could hide the matter from Charles. But Chris, Charles's sister, was a beautiful and smart lady. And she told Charles about it.

Autumn indeed kept a distance from Sam, but Sam didn't do the same.

Sam looked at Autumn with great eagerness, seeming to be very possessive about her.

Chris didn't believe that Sam didn't have any relationship with Autumn.

So she pretended to go to the bathroom and called Charles.

She liked Sam openly and brazenly. She didn't care if he and Autumn once were in love with each other. And what had happened in the past didn't prevent her from liking Sam.

Autumn was her sister-in-law who she liked a lot. She didn't want Sam to destroy their good relationship. If Charles took Autumn away, he could not only help Autumn get rid of the embarrassing situation, but also help herself get the chance to spend some time alone with Sam.

But to her surprise, Charles appeared minutes after she called him.

"Sam, where's my sister-in-law?" After she saw Charles take Autumn away, Chris came out of the bathroom and walked up to Sam. Though she and Autumn were both strong-minded lady, they have rather different personalities. Autumn was gentle and quiet.

Chris, however, was passionate. She would bravely pursue whoever she liked.

Although Autumn had already known Sam before Chris met him, Chris believed that she could win Sam's heart since Autumn was now married.

Sam remained expressionless. He wanted to chat with Autumn, but Charles's sudden appearance disturbed his plan. He was about to turn around and leave. Then an idea came to his mind. He thought he could use this chance to know more about the things between Charles and Autumn. In this way, he could know Charles well and figure out the best way to win Autumn's heart.

So he quietly sat in front of Chris. "Your brother came here just now. He said that they had something urgent to deal with, so he took your sister-in-law away."

"My brother?" Chris pretended to be confused and glanced at Sam. "How did he know that we are here?"

"Perhaps your sister-in-law told him, " said Sam flatly. When Autumn saw Charles, she looked astonished. Autumn was really surprised and she didn't pretend to do that deliberately, so she mustn't have told Charles that she was here.

So obviously, Chris was the only person who told Charles about it.

Although Chris pretended not to know anything, Sam didn't debunk her lie, but rather continued chatting with her.

When the waiter served the food, Chris tenderly helped him put the food in the pot and asked, "Sam, I remember that you had no interest in hot pot when you lived abroad, but after you came back, how do you..."

"I don't like hot pot even now, but Little Ye likes it." Sam undisguisedly showed his fondness for Autumn in front of Chris.

Chris was a little disappointed, but she quickly calmed herself down. She recalled a girl's photo which she found in Sam's wallet before. She asked, "I saw a girl's photo in your wallet. Is that girl my sister-in-law?"

"Right." Sam nodded and said, "The photo was taken when she was in middle school. At that time, I went abroad in a hurry, so I lost most of her photos. I only have this photo of her."

Sam gently stroked the wallet on the table, and even the expression on his face softened.

Chris became jealous. She stayed by Sam's side for many years, but she had never seen such an affectionate expression on his face for her. Perhaps... this was how some men were fond of the women they loved.


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