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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 540

Chris was unusually cheerful and excited since morning. She took her bath and got ready to go to the market with Nacy. But Nacy did not agree with the idea of Chris's stepping out of the house in such an advanced stage of pregnancy. She raised an eyebrow, and then replied,"I think you'd better stay home. If you want something to eat, just let me know. You don't need to go to the market with me."

"Well... That's fine, then," Chris agreed reluctantly. She thought for a while with special emphasis on the two expected visitors and said,"Get some more ingredients for today. We are expecting some really important guests. Oh, well, buy some snacks and toys for children." Her face lit up with the mention of children.

"Got it," Nacy replied as she took a note of it in her grocery list. After Nacy left for the market, Gary woke up and came into the living room. Noticing Chris literally hopping around the house with a bulging belly made him worried. He approached her and asked in a concerned voice,"Chris, what are you doing? Why are you pacing up and down the hall in this condition? If you need anything just call the servants. You should be taking rest at this time."

"Good morning, grandpa!" Chris greeted cheerfully. "We are going to have some special guest today. They will be reaching very soon. So I asked Nacy to buy more food and other servants to do some cleaning," she said, smiling.

"Visitors? Who?" Gary stared at Chris with bewilderment as he asked. The puzzled look on his face soon turned into an angry frown. Old men of his age get very easily offended if they feel that they have been left uninformed about anything in the house. Demanding a reply, he asked,"Why did nobody tell me?"

A happy yet mysterious smile flashed upon Chris's face, which made Gary more curious. "What's going on? Will anybody care to tell me?" he asked, scratching his head. "You look so excited. It must be some of your important friends," he assumed.

Chris shook her head and said,"It's a secret. You'll know it at night." She grinned as she spoke. Gary tried his best to get the cat out of the bag but failed. Now he had no other option than to wait for the night and see it for himself when the guests arrived.

Nacy followed Chris's instruction and came back with lots of food ingredients. She even kept in mind that they were going to have a child visitor while preparing for the dinner. She stewed the beef in the morning so that it would remain tender when served for dinner. A lot of preparation took place as Chris got the house ready for the special guest.

Inside Leila's Apartment

Leila had a restless night. The anxiousness for the next day prevented her from getting a good night's sleep. She kept turning from one side to another. She could not believe that she was invited to visit Dream Garden as a guest. Finally, her dream to live a rich and affluent life was inching closer to its fulfilment. She woke up with tired eyes. But she was full of enthusiasm and excitement for the evening. She prepared the breakfast in a jiffy and went to call Charlie for the meal.

Although Charlie had known Leila to be his mother from the time he was an infant, he was not at all attached to her. They lived together but they were more like two strangers under the same roof. Charlie was absolutely indifferent to Leila, and she was used to it.

Just like every morning, she knocked on the door and called Charlie to eat breakfast. The door opened and Charlie appeared in clean clothes.

To be honest, Charlie's indifference hardly mattered to Leila. Obviously, she had kept Charlie to serve a gate pass to enter Charles's life. The boy stood in front of her without even looking at her face. "Charlie, can you get changed after breakfast? We need to go out and visit somewhere," she broke the silence. Charlie was dressed in a black suit. Leila looked at the boy and frowned out of dissatisfaction. She thought that Charlie's dress was not appropriate for the place and the people they were going to meet. Here she was taking him to meet his great grandfather Gary. He ought to look more cute so that he could grow fondness for himself in Gary's mind.

"Why don't you change into some better clothes?" Leila said in a suggestive tone.

"No," Charlie voiced his opinion briefly. Charlie was a very silent kid as compared to other kids of his age. Most of the times, he kept to himself. He did not even speak to Leila much. It was indeed unusual for a kid of his age.

Leila took a deep sigh. 'Even though I assumed this, I still dreamt that miracle would happen, ' she thought bitterly.

"Charlie..." Leila called out his name in an indulgent manner. "Aren't you curious about where I will take you?" she asked.

Charlie didn't seem to pay heed to Leila's question and went on with his breakfast. The clear exhibit of indifference towards his mother was simply inexplicable. He pretended as if he never heard what she said and continued eating his breakfast without even raising his head.

"I'll come to know it once I get there," Charlie replied blandly without even looking at Leila.


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