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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 554

Sue had too much to drink last night. In her drunkenness, she confessed about her deep feelings for Anthony. Sheryl realized that Sue was heartbroken every time she saw her and Anthony together. So her decision to sign with George and stay in Y City was understandable. But that was Sue. Now, when she was struggling about George's offer, Sue didn't even try to prevent her from staying in Y City. If she stayed, Sue would still be jealous and frustrated about her relationship with Anthony, and suffer over time. But it shamed her how Sue cared more about her friend's happiness than her own. So Sheryl vowed to cherish their friendship even more.

"I will consider it carefully," Sheryl assured her friend. As she remembered what happened before she left for America, Sheryl frowned. After passing the interview and telling Anthony about her trip to China, he was furious. He was against her traveling to Y City. So Sheryl promised that after the show, she would leave and never return. If Anthony found out that she was considering staying and bringing Shirley with her, they would argue again. Breaking her promise might even result in him ending their relationship.

Now, she felt torn between leaving or staying in Y City. Deciding which was more important in her life confused Sheryl now. Did she want to earn more money so she and her daughter would have a better life? Or was it best to give Anthony peace of mind to keep their relationship intact? Seeing her friend struggling with a decision, Sue proposed,"Sheryl, I think you'd better discuss this with Anthony. When you first told him you were coming to Y City, he strongly objected and became furious. But he'll be more than furious if he learns you're considering to stay. You're a couple. So you need to talk about it before making a final decision." Sue knew fully well why Anthony was against Sheryl's coming to Y City. Shirley's father lived there. And Anthony worried the two would get back together if the man found Sheryl. So, she understood Anthony's anxiety.

"Yes, you're right." Sheryl nodded in agreement, looking gratefully at Sue. She had long been used to making decisions alone. Fortunately, her friend reminded her that she was not alone anymore. Anthony was her boyfriend. Before making any final decision, she had to consult him. It was the right way to show her respect for him.

Before either one could speak, Sheryl's cellphone rang. She didn't recognize the caller, except that the number was from Y City.

She wondered, 'Charlie is the only resident in Y City that I know. Who else would be calling me?'

Although the number was unfamiliar, something urged Sheryl to answer and kept telling her to pick up the phone.

The woman hesitated briefly but finally answered. She was surprised to hear a deep and powerful male voice. "Is that Miss Xia?" she heard him say. "This is Charles Lu, Charlie's father," the caller said, introducing himself.

"Oh hello, Mr. Lu. Why are you calling?"

As she heaved a sigh of relief, she was happy to learn it was Charlie's father who called her. Sheryl was initially worried that someone she did not know had dialed her number.

"Miss Xia, have you finished your work? Charlie and I are heading to a restaurant not far from your hotel. The boy is craving for Szechuan food. I was wondering if you might want to have dinner with us?" Charles laughed nervously but spoke persuasively. "If you're not busy now, please have dinner with us. Charlie is dying to see you."

"Uhmmm," Sheryl responded reluctantly. She was struggling again. Charles was polite and knew exactly how to convince Sheryl to say yes. It seemed as if he chose that particular restaurant to make it more convenient to drop by her hotel if she agreed to join them. But he spoke casually and politely that it would be rude to refuse his invitation. Maybe in her heart, she was eager to meet Charlie and didn't mind eating with him and his father. Sheryl had long admitted she liked the little boy very much and was fond of him.

"All right. I'll join you," she replied softly. She brushed her forehead with her hand in relief and stood up to change.

"Are you going out?" Sue inquired. As Sheryl headed straight to her closet after hanging up, she got busy deciding what to wear. Sue was curious about Sheryl's caller. The woman was not usually particular about clothes. Now, she was deliberate while going through her wardrobe. Since Anthony was not with them, Sue felt it her duty to remind Sheryl to be loyal and not date anyone while in Y City.

"Yes, I promised Charlie I would take him to an amusement park tonight," she replied. Sheryl didn't think it was necessary to lie to Sue. She was fond of the pretty little boy, and it was not a big deal to go out with him.

"Sheryl, aren't you becoming too close to that boy? Wouldn't his parents get mad at you? They may be worried about your intentions," Sue warned. She frowned a little as she glanced at her friend. She knew Sheryl had a natural affection for children. She was, after all, a mother herself. And when she met a pretty boy the same age as her daughter, it was understandable that she would show her fondness for him.

But Charlie had parents. And if Sheryl continued seeing him, sooner or later his parents might be suspicious of her intentions. Sue was becoming uncomfortable with their constant meetings.

"His father will be with us," she replied casually. Sheryl was still concentrating on choosing the right clothes for their meeting and did not see Sue's gloomy face.

But she heard the concern in her voice. "You said he didn't have a father, didn't you?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when I get back," Sheryl responded. She suddenly felt light and happy. Eager to see the boy, Sheryl didn't want to waste time explaining the whole story to Sue.

She then stopped and thought about her behavior. 'I'm just meeting Charlie, so why do I need to dress up? Why was that my spontaneous reaction?'

She mumbled,"Perhaps I just want to look my best when I meet Charlie's father."

Instead of Chinese food, Charles decided to bring Sheryl and Charlie to the best French restaurant in Y City. A waitress led them to a table. Charles pulled out Sheryl's chair and helped her be seated. He never asked about what she liked or disliked. They had been married for years, and he knew what Sheryl preferred, so he ordered for her.


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