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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 561

"Miss Ye," Sheryl addressed her from a distance. "May I ask if there is anything I can do for you?" Her investigative eyes locked with Holley's while she was waiting for her reply.

"George told me you didn't sign the contract, so I wanted to talk to you about that," Holley mentioned with a nonchalant smile on her face. "Is there any problem with the contract?" she then inquired.

"No, it has nothing to do with the contract," Sheryl said decisively. "Relocating to another city is not an easy thing. I would definitely need more time to consider this," she explained.

"But aren't you a native of Y City, Miss Xia?" Holley blurted out. That was definitely not a smart move of her. She regretted it as soon as the words came out of her mouth. However, it was too late to do anything about it at that point.

Surprised by Holley's question, Sheryl aggressively asked for a clarification,"How did you know my hometown is Y City, Miss Ye?"

'Only a few people know I was born in Y City; how would Holley know that?

It isn't as if she has known me for that long... Or has she?' Sheryl wondered failing to find a good explanation.

The last thing Holley wanted was to raise any more suspicions in her mind. She had to play it safe this time. "Oh, don't get me wrong," she explained kindly. "I simply heard Miss Wang mention it at the party, the other day."

Then, on a more cautious tone, she continued prying,"I also heard you lost part of your memory. Wouldn't you want to get it back? It's a big part of your life, after all. Doesn't it bother you not knowing your past?"

Holley noticed Sheryl was seriously contemplating on her words, so she went on,"I have a friend who is a doctor. He explained to me that spending time in a familiar place could help someone who lost their memories remember some of them again."

Suddenly, Sheryl cut her off by asking,"Why are you so interested in me, Miss Ye?" Something was off, and Sheryl couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Holley had always kept things to herself, so this change in attitude was strange. 'Even though she is actually trying to be nice to me, I still feel that I can't trust her, ' she told herself.

"Do I look like a bad person to you?" insisted Holley through her reversed psychology tricks. "I can relate to you because Y City is also my hometown. Though I lost my parents, not my memories. So, in a way, I feel both close and distant towards it. I believe you feel the same, don't you?"

Sheryl glared at her wistfully, pondering, 'I do have the same feelings as hers. Despite all the time I've lived here, I don't feel like I belong in this place.

It is totally a foreign place to me.

I guess I can understand how Holley feels about it too. But I wonder if what she's saying has anything to do with me deciding not to stay here.'

Noticing Sheryl was still lost in her thoughts, Holley continued,"It has been a while since I left this place. To be honest, I hesitated for a long time because I wasn't sure whether I should come back or not. My parents passed away here and I feared that coming back would remind me of their deaths. But when I set foot in this place, I realized I also had wonderful memories. I walked past familiar streets and ate some of my favorite comfort foods." A hint of nostalgia appeared on her face as Holley went on,"The only drawback is that I don't have any family here anymore."

Sheryl was listening to Holley without saying a word. After a short pause, Holley confessed,"You're the first friend I made after I came here. We have similar experiences; so I feel like I can talk to you, like you can understand me. I think we can be good friends, and this is why I'm showing this kind of interest in your life."

Eventually, realizing Sheryl's reluctance towards her goodwill, Holley began apologizing,"If I made you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I mean no harm. I just want to be friends with you."

Looking at her seemingly sincere eyes, Sheryl wasn't sure how to react. 'It seems that Holley is a good person. Perhaps I misunderstood her, ' Sheryl thought.


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