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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 565

Anthony gazed at Andy who was seated opposite him at the dining table as he asked coldly,"I came to see you for one thing... our secret agreement. Did anyone know about that?"

He had been in touch with Andy all these years. Back then, Andy didn't dare tell Autumn the news about her missing son, even when she finally decided to take the pills.

In fact, Andy was able to trace Leila and Autumn's son. He came to Autumn that time with the intention to fill her in of the news and their location. But Anthony stopped him.

Knowing Andy's son was suffering from heart disease, Anthony promised to help save his child in exchange for Andy keeping to himself the whereabouts of Autumn's son.

When Andy first heard of that offer from Anthony, he was irritated and accused Anthony of blackmailing him in exchange for his son's life. Anthony used to be a doctor so he was well-connected in the medical profession. He resourcefully found a suitable heart for Andy's son.

Anthony then made a deal with Andy that if he wanted to save his son's life, he should never tell others, including the Zhao family that Autumn was still alive.

Just to keep his child alive, Andy agreed reluctantly.

He thought at that time, 'Nothing is more important than keeping my child alive. After all, people are selfish animals.

And besides, Autumn has lost all her memory about that life.'

"Don't worry Anthony. I did as you requested. No one knows Autumn is alive, including Abby," Andy replied. "So, what's up with you and Autumn?" Andy asked with overwhelming curiosity.

"We're doing great. Actually, we could not ask for anything better," Anthony answered softly. He then demanded somberly,"I hope you can keep our deal between us. I don't want anyone to know about that. Is it clear?"

"No worries, I got that a hundred percent clear," Andy replied. Andy lifted his brows wistfully. 'Anthony really loves Autumn so much, but he expressed everything the selfish way.

Once Autumn regains her memories and figures out what he did behind her back, she will hate him and worst, leave him.'

Anthony had a hunch that what he did secretly was going to be found out. That was why he came to meet Andy to remind him and fortify their agreement.

"How about... that boy? Where is he now?" he added. After finding the boy's location, Andy initially planned to bring him back to Autumn. But Anthony stopped him. He didn't want that child to disturb his already happy life with Sheryl. Andy told Anthony everything he knew about the boy. "He is doing great. Leila did a good job at raising him. She also introduced the kid to Charles. I think, he now lives with Charles," Andy replied.

Anthony was satisfied to know that the child didn't spend a tough life. At least, Leila loved and took care of the boy like her own son.

Autumn once told him that Leila would bring the boy to Charles. Now, he had no doubt about that.

"Are you going to stay here in Y city for good?" Andy asked in a softened tone. Andy stared at Shirley from the dining table. He felt sorry for the girl.

'Even though Anthony has treated Autumn and her daughter quite well in the past three years, still... Charles is the girl's biological father, ' he thought to himself. Andy decided to leave Y City that time because he felt guilty as he saw Charles spiraled into a deep depression.

He was afraid he would tell Charles the truth if he continued to stay in the city.

Besides, at that time, his son's heart disease and eventually the deal with Anthony left him with no other choice but to leave Y city.

"No," Anthony answered stoutly, as he shook his head. "It was just a coincidence Sher came here for work. Once she finishes up here, we'll go back to America. We live a happy life now. We don't want to cause anyone any trouble or be disturbed by others. I think you understand, don't you?" he explained.

With a smirk, Andy remarked,"Three years... you lived with her for three years Anthony. Do you still have no confidence in your relationship?"


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