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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 567

It was Charlie's birthday. Charles left no stone unturned to make it the best and the most special birthday party for his son. Sam attended the party alone as Chris was recovering from post delivery weakness.

Leila and Charlie were the last to arrive at the party. Charlie dressed like a gentleman. In his looks and mannerisms, he looked like a miniature version of Charles. It did not take long for him to get spotted by little Amanda who had always been fond of her handsome uncle — Charles. Now, a boy who looked exactly like Charles drew her attention.

She came closer to Charlie and stood behind him. She was happy to stay with him.

As for Charlie, he was rather miffed at being followed by a girl. He frowned at her and moved away from her as fast as he could.

"What are you doing here?" Isla asked, as she was flabbergasted to find Leila in the party. She just knew that Charles had a child with another woman. But it was really unbelievable to accept the fact that the woman was none other than Leila. She sneered at Leila and blurted out,"What a shameless woman you are! Tell me, how did you manage to hook up with Charles? And you even gave birth to a little bas..."

Isla stopped herself for uttering "bastard". 'I can't blame the innocent boy for his mother's fault, ' she told herself and tried to calm down.

Isla could not bear the sight of her. She did not spare her from her scornful remark. She snorted at her,"It looks like I underestimated you."

Leila had dressed up for the party. She already considered herself as the mistress of the Lu family. She was beaming with joy. Heart of heart, she considered this party from Charles to be a gesture of accepting her in his life.

She was in an excellent mood. Even Isla's harsh words failed to dampen her spirit. However, she withdrew her smile in front of Isla. "I know I owe a lot to Autumn. But now she is no more. And Charles and I... we have our child. I hope you can forgive me," she said trying to look apologetic in front of Isla.

It was a coincidence that Charles chose this day to celebrate Charlie's birthday. Today was his real birthday. It was the same day three years back, when she took the boy away from Autumn.

"Forgive you?" Isla sniffed at Leila,"What are you thinking? Charles will marry you? Never! Stop fooling yourself. Just keep in mind that you will never be Charles' wife even if Autumn has left the world. Don't forget who you are. You don't deserve him."

Isla was getting uncontrollable. Each and every word uttered by Leila stung her so hard. Her heart bled for Autumn. "You can never take Autumn's place even though you have his son. No matter how many kids you have from him, he will never accept you. Mark my words. You were, are and will always be just a shameless mistress. Nothing more than that," Isla cursed, as she took out her wrath on Leila.

"You..." Leila faltered at the face of such blatant humiliation. She was just too angry to even utter another word. Isla's face turned red as she blurted out her anger on Leila. Her harsh words pierced Leila's heart like a sharp dagger.

"Well, that's enough. Don't get angry. It's sheer wastage of time speaking to her," Aron interfered. He drew closer to his wife and took her hand. He actually was observing them from a distance. Knowing how much his wife hated Leila, he just waited till she vented her feelings out on her.

Charles witnessed the entire episode. But he had no intention of coming to her rescue. Instead, he blasted on her right after Isla finished scolding. He walked up to Leila and spoke to her in a very cold voice with a very stern look on his face. "What are you doing? I did not invite you here to put up a fight with Mrs. Gu. If you continue to behave like this, you can feel free to leave the party now," he said, as he made himself very clear to her.

"She started..." Leila stammered, abashed with a pitiful expression on her face seeking sympathy from Charles. All of a sudden, she felt like an outsider. 'No one is willing to speak for me, ' she thought with a bitter smile.

Her dreams came crumbling to see how indifferent Charles was towards her. Even though she was completely broken inside, she didn't let it come on her face. She didn't want to leave a bad impression on the guests.

'Isla gave me a hard time just because she thought I won the game. Even Charles can't forget Autumn.

But none of it matters to me. I will be there for him. I will wait for him and have the last laugh of victory. I will win him over, ' she kept remembering the ultimate goal of her life which comforted her and helped her to calm down.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Charles turned around and welcomed the guests with a cheerful voice. "Thank you very much for attending my son's birthday party. You must be feeling curious about him, but I'm not going to explain to you. Charlie is my son and I have no doubt about this," he announced looking at Charlie with a proud smile on his face.

Leila stood close to Charles gracefully, as if she were his wife.


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