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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 586

By saying those words, it seemed like Gary was hinting that Sheryl did them a really huge favor that they must pay. To her surprise, even Nacy who was busy cooking in the kitchen came out just to urge them to stay for dinner. "Please stay, Miss Xia. Look, I've made your dinner already and if you insist on leaving now, it'll be a great waste of food!"

Feeling defeated, Sheryl felt it was no use to continue turning down their warmhearted offer. Charlie had already used both hard and soft tactics to stop her from leaving. Even the whole members of the family helped him. Thus, she had to give in and stay for dinner.

After dinner, she wanted to leave Dream Garden right away so she bid goodbye to them. However, it was very dark outside and it was also raining heavily. Raining from time to time was just normal in Y City's summer. No wonder people always say that the weather in summer here is as changeable as a baby's face. Standing in front of the door, Sheryl heaved a deep sigh.

"Listen," Charles suddenly spoke behind her. He cleared his throat before he said again,"Listen..."

But this time he was interrupted by Sheryl. "Mr. Lu. If you'd ask us to stay here tonight, please save your efforts and better not say it. I'd rather go home soaked in the rain than stay overnight in other people's place."

Then she stared at him with an alarmed expression on her face, anxiously waiting for his reply. Charles was quiet for a moment. 'You silly woman! This is your own home!' He wanted to say it to her but he opted to keep it in his mind.

Instead, he said,"You are overreacting, Miss Xia." With a smile on his face, he continued,"What I wanted to say is..." He paused for a while. "Er... I can drive you and Shirley home," he almost stuttered to finish his words.

Hearing his words, Sheryl felt her face burning so she turned her eyes away in embarrassment.

Charles didn't say anything for a moment before he continued to explain,"It's not easy to get a cab here even if it were not raining. Besides, the stuff you bought from the supermarket are still in my car now, so I think I don't have any reasons not to drive you home."

Sheryl thought it over for a long while. If she turned him down, she had to stay here longer. Thus, she had to agree with his suggestion if she wanted to go home earlier. Sounding hopeless, she turned to look at him again and said,"I really appreciate that. Thank you for the offer of driving us home, Mr. Lu."

Charles was beaming at her words. However, instead of driving himself, he asked his driver to drive for them. This way, he could get a chance to be closer with Sheryl and her daughter. So, the three of them sat on the back seat, with Shirley in the middle.

Sheryl couldn't feel more embarrassed at this situation.

Because it was a rainy night, the car moved slowly. From time to time, Sheryl wanted to ask the driver to drive faster but she couldn't manage to speak it out.

On second thought, she gave up the idea. She'd better not risk their lives.

To her relief, Charles was silent all the way to her home and didn't even bother to talk to her.

When the car pulled over in front of their apartment building, Sheryl carried Shirley in her arms and was about to get off. However, Charles' voice halted her. "Please wait a minute," she heard him say.

He got off first and then opened the door for Sheryl. And all of a sudden, Sheryl found herself under a big umbrella. She was surprised of his actions. She'd never thought that Charles could be this sweet and considerate.

After a while, they walked to the building shoulder to shoulder. Although Sheryl was carrying Shirley, she felt that not a raindrop had fallen on both of them at all. Curiously, she turned to look at Charles. She was stunned to see that half of his body was now soaking wet. She didn't know that Charles sacrificed himself and leaned the umbrella over them.

Sheryl had the instinct to pull him closer to avoid him from getting more soaked in the rain. But, they had already reached the inside of the building before she could even touch him.

Before she could say anything to him, Charles already ran back to his car to get the stuff she bought from the supermarket.

When he was striding back to her, she seemed to have a tedious familiarity of the situation. It seemed like it already happened a million times to her. Deja vu?

All of a sudden, Sheryl got lost in her thoughts. She tried her best to recall when and where this similar situation happened.

Seeing her standing absentmindedly, Charles interrupted her thoughts,"It's cold outside. Come on in!"

Sheryl followed him mechanically. When she came to her senses again, the elevator had already opened and Charles was already standing inside. She furrowed her eyebrows. Charles noticed her hesitation so he let out a soft laugh. "Don't overreact. I'm just going to carry the shopping bags to your door. I believe you wouldn't be able to carry these with Shirley in your arms. So relax! I won't step in to your place without any invitations."


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