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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 592

"Please do not think bad of everyone!" Sheryl expressed her irritation towards Sue.

"So, you choose to think bad of me instead?" Sue felt annoyed and continued to defend herself against Sheryl,"While Anthony's away, I am responsible for your security, and I must prevent anything bad from happening to you."

Sheryl replied with a smile,"Feel free to keep your concern to yourself. Amy is not a bad person whatsoever. I must take her home to relieve the tension by offering her a glass of water. Otherwise, she may get indisposed for returning the money to me in the heat of the day."

"However, I'm not sure what her motive is." Sue remained suspicious of Amy.

Sheryl dismissed Sue by saying,"There is no harm in me doing so."

Grabbing Amy's arm, Sheryl talked to the elderly woman endearingly,"Amy, now I will take you to my house, which is close by, for a glass of refreshing water."

Even though Amy was grateful towards Sheryl, Amy responded hesitantly,"How could I bother you like this? I don't want to be a nuisance."

"Oh, please! It's the least we can do." Sheryl smiled and said,"It's only common courtesy for me to offer you a glass of water, in return for your kind gesture."

Sheryl took Amy home with her, while Sue stood vigilant. Sheryl poured Amy a glass of water and asked her whether she'd had breakfast yet.

"No, I haven't yet." Amy replied with a smile

and then frowned at the sight of packaged foods that

Sheryl had bought from the vendor on her way home. "This seems nice, but it's not very nutritious, is it?

Why don't I prepare us a proper plate of food?" Amy was concerned about Sheryl's health.

"It's just very convenient for the days that I'm too busy to cook," Sheryl explained to Amy. "It saves me time and effort."

"Well, now I have the chance to cook a bowl of ready-made shrimp wonton for you." Amy wanted to cook Sheryl a meal, as a means of gratitude for her hospitality.

She immediately took her package to the kitchen without even waiting for Sheryl to respond.

Sheryl was surprised to see the package containing her desired food rather than Amy's valuables.

Amy put some stuff away in the refrigerator and talked to Sheryl in a caring tone,"I can prepare you homemade meals again if you like."

Sheryl felt too embarrassed to accept Amy's offer. "Amy, I would be ashamed of myself to accept your kind gesture."

To Sheryl, Amy's offer seemed like too much in return for Sheryl paying for her breakfast.

Amy continued talking to Sheryl while she was busy cooking,"I used to prepare this food for my granddaughter, who is still missing."

Sheryl was stunned beyond words. She couldn't bring herself to ask Amy to elaborate on her reference to her granddaughter.


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