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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 605

"Mom!" Rick called out towards Abby. "This is Shirley. She's my new friend," he continued.

Abby looked at him hesitantly, unsure how to answer. She knew right away who the little girl really was. Fate was so ironic!

Shirley also wasn't shy at all. She kept staring at Abby with her big, bright eyes, which made Abby's heart melt.

She decided to kneel down on the ground beside the two kids and join in their games. Playing with them made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Amy came over and laid down a plate of fruits nearby the children. With a tender smile, she commented,"Look at you, fooling around with them like a child."

Abby looked up and raised her eyebrows in acknowledgment while softly voicing,"Mom..." She then promptly stood up, wiped the sweat off Rick's forehead, and cautioned him,"Be careful, please; don't go too wild."

Rick was a bit different. His precarious health and his previous surgery meant that he would exhaust himself quicker than other children. Therefore, he had to take it easy when playing.

Abby sat next to Amy on the couch and, looking in Shirley's direction, she asked,"Is this Autumn's child?"

"Yes," Amy answered smiling. "She looks very much like Autumn, doesn't she?"

"Yes, she does," replied Abby reciprocating the smile. "I didn't expect to see her and her daughter again..."

Caught in her memories all of a sudden, Abby bowed her head and inquired,"Mom, Autumn was pregnant with twins. Have you ever inquired on the whereabouts of the other child?"

Amy sighed loudly and reminded her,"As you know, she has lost her memory. How could I ask her about that? The last thing she needs is more confusion or worry."

She was right. Abby nodded and pondered out loud,"I wonder how the other child is doing now."

Back at the hospital, Charles showed up with Charlie to check on Shirley, when he was greeted with the news that Shirley and Sheryl had already checked out.

Disappointed and stripped of all hope, Charles couldn't even fake a smile any longer. He and Charlie left right away to Shining Company, where Charles handed Charlie over to Alice to take care of him.

He then strode over to the meeting room, where one of his managers was waiting to report to him on the latest state of affairs. However, Charles's blank stare that day disconcerted the manager, who was wondering if there was something wrong with his presentation. He was having such a hard time, in fact, that he put down his laser pen and paused for a short moment.

The air conditioner was blasting cold air, but the manager was still sweating. Feeling as if the walls were closing in on him, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and nervously addressed Charles,"This is the situation, Mr. Lu. Would you..."

"Not bad," Charles interrupted. With a sheer disregard toward his planned presentation, Charles asked,"How's our women's wear brand doing?"

"The preliminary design draft has been completed. You will get to see it in a few days. If there are no problems, the next step is to find a manufacturer, start production and then enter the market in a month," explained the manager. One month felt a bit too long for Charles.


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