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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 625

"Really?" Sheryl gave a wry smile and said nothing more.

Charles looked at her and asked in a concerned voice,"Would you like to tell me something about your nightmare?"

Although Sheryl just had a nightmare, Charles had a strong intuition that her nightmare held some key to what happened to her in the past. Hence, it was important for him to know what exactly Sheryl had experienced in her nightmare.

"I'm fine, really," Sheryl confirmed promptly. Sheryl was a very reserved person and sharing something as private as a nightmare was much opposite to her nature. More so, the person showing interest in it was none other than Charles.

"I know you don't like me." Charles noticed the hesitation in Sheryl. Still he probed further as he said,"Anyway, we are friends now. You can tell me about your dream. Maybe, I can help you. Things won't change if you bottle them up inside."

Charles smiled and continued,"Trust me, keeping secrets is my only merit. I will do everything to guard your dream."

Eventually, Sheryl's heart melted with his sincere words.

Among many other emotional upheavals that she had been going through in the past three years, this nightmare had been the most excruciating thing that had given her sleepless nights. And she did not want to discuss it with anyone till now, she just felt relieved to be able to pour her heart out in front of Charles. She trusted him and believed that she would feel light if she did that.

"In fact, this dream has troubled me for three years." Sheryl twisted her mouth into a wry smile and started,"In my dream, I gave birth to a boy, but he was immediately taken away by a woman. I was calling out for help, but I couldn't make any sound. I could only watch the woman take my child away. I desperately tried to see the woman's face, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see her clearly. I've dreamed this plot a numerous times. And every time this dream feels so real as if it really happened on me. Each and every feeling in this dream is so alive like I am wide awake in the moment."

As she stopped, there was a prolonged silence between the two of them. Then Charles spoke,"Have you ever told Anthony about your dream?" Charles had a very strong intuition that it was not a dream. This was what might have happened on Autumn three years back. His heart wrenched at every word uttered by Sheryl. But he had to maintain his composure in front of her until he had proofs for it. A frown settled on Charles' face when he heard Sheryl said that she gave birth to a boy in the dream. 'What if her dream is real? Where is the child now?

Is he still alive? How is he doing?' Multiple thoughts crowded his mind.

"Yes. I mentioned it to him." Holding a cup of milk in her hands, Sheryl continued,"I was so frightened when I had this dream for the first time that I had told him at once. He comforted me saying that it was just a dream. He said that I was too fatigued. Perhaps that was why I had such a strange dream. He also said that I indeed gave birth to a child, but it's a girl. Not a boy. And her name is Shirley. But the dream was so real."

Sheryl paused to take a break. She heaved a deep sigh and continued,"Later, in the year I just lost my memory, I often had the same dream over and over again. It was a little better later, but I didn't expect I had the dream once again last night."

What Sheryl didn't tell Charles was the reason behind her fainting. She fainted when she saw the birthmark on Charlie's hand.

Sheryl instinctively hid it from Charles because she thought the whole thing was so ridiculous.

"I agree with Anthony." Charles smiled and said,"Look at Shirley, what a clever girl she is! I dream of having such a cute girl. You should take a good rest in and stop fantasizing."

Looking straight at Shirley, Charles continued,"You don't know how much Shirley was frightened when you fainted. She kept asking me when would you wake up."

"I know Shirley is clever," Sheryl said and smiled proudly.

"You take a rest. I'm going to see Shirley and Charlie." Charles spoke that to make Sheryl light-hearted. As she closed her eyes, he left silently. After he closed the door, he became grim-faced once again.

'If Sheryl's dream is real, who took the child?


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