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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 645

Laura was furious and fuming as she held the phone to her ears. Her face went red and her voice trembled as she spoke,"Don't listen his nonsense." She tried to appease Junia,"As long as I am Anthony's mother, I wouldn't allow that girl to enter our home. I truly appreciate you and would do anything to see both of you together. But before that can I expect you to tell me the truth? Do you love Anthony? If you really love him, I will be on your side by all means."

There was complete silence on the other side of the phone. Laura waited for a few seconds for Junia to reply. With every passing moment, she was getting more and more impatient. Then she spoke out hastily,"Okay Junia, how about us meet up and talk? Just you and me? Of course, if you are not busy. You can take your decisions after I tell you everything about Anthony's girlfriend. What do you think of it? Just take your time to think about it and let me know."

After a moment of hesitation, Junia eventually agreed to meet Laura. "Okay," she said in a meek voice.

Then Laura hung up the phone and heaved a sigh of relieve. However, her anger towards Anthony was not yet pacified. She kept walking up and down the hall till Carlson came back at night. In fact, Laura was so angry that she didn't even cook the dinner.

Carlson marked that Laura was agitated the moment he walked into the living room. He promptly asked,"What happened? Did anything go wrong at today's date meal?"

"You should know your son! I really don't know what is going on in his mind. I asked him to watch a movie with Junia, but he bought two tickets in different rows. Can you imagine? I really wonder what magic that woman has cast on him that my son is so enchanted by her," Laura started to complain bitterly to Carlson.

"It has been three years." Carlson sighed and continued speaking as he sat on the couch and made himself comfortable,"The woman that Anthony loves may truly have something special. How about agreeing to meet her once? Since we have never seen her before, it is a little unreasonable for us to have such a prejudice to her."

Hearing the words spoken by Carlson, Laura fumed up all the more. 'Now even the father has joined the party, ' she thought in her mind. "So are you opposing me? Are you now on the same side with your son?" Laura looked at Carlson and interrogated wrathfully.

"I didn't mean that," Carlson explained immediately as he marked Laura's rage. "What I mean is that, we can make our decisions after meeting with that woman. Our son is old enough to get married. We couldn't just get in the way of his marriage," Carlson tried to make Laura see reasons for all practical purposes.

"I warn you! Don't meddle with this matter! You got that? I know how to deal with this. If I come to know that you are giving a favor to Anthony behind my back, I would teach you a lesson," Laura nearly yelled at Carlson in great wrath.

"Fine, I wouldn't meddle in. You do whatever you want to do," Carlson said helplessly.

The next morning Anthony booked an early morning flight ticket to Y City.

Just like every other day, Anthony got up early and prepared breakfast for Laura and Carlson. And at the time he was about to leave, Laura woke up. Watching her son carry a suitcase, Laura asked,"When will you come back?"

"Very soon," Anthony replied with a smile. He had made great efforts to convince Laura to meet with Sheryl. And now, he certainly needed to strike the iron while it was hot. Before Laura could have changed her mind, he must bring Sheryl to meet her as soon as possible.

He believed that Laura would like Sheryl after seeing her.

"Mom, don't forget what you have promised me," Anthony couldn't help but remind Laura of her promise. Laura nodded her head in affirmation which made Anthony hopeful. Upon thinking of the beautiful life in future, Anthony couldn't resist smiling.

Laura took a sip of milk from the glass and said to Anthony,"Don't worry. I will keep my words."

A big smile appeared on his face. "I'll take my leave." Anthony kissed Laura's forehead as he said goodbye and drove to the airport in a contended mind.

Just after Anthony left, Laura called up Junia for dinner. And Junia agreed delightedly.


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