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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 651

"Nothing happened," said Isla. Isla didn't want to lie to Aron because he was the closest person to her. But she had promised Sheryl she wouldn't tell anyone.

She just couldn't break her words. She was also unsure whether she should tell Charles about it or not.

Isla tossed and turned in her bed almost the whole night trying to figure out the answer to that mind-boggling question.

In her heart, all she wished was to make her best friend happy. Charles was not able to protect Sheryl from the danger at that time. Sheryl had suffered a lot of torture. But he too had gone through enough hardships these past three years in return.

Isla knew Sheryl once loved Charles with all her heart. Now, she just forgot what happened in the past.

She struggled for a long time and decided to tell Charles. Whether Charles would try to regain Sheryl's heart would be up to him.

The following morning, Isla got up early and thought of calling Charles but changed her mind. She realized that he could already be in his office. She decided to pay him a visit. She surmised that it was better to tell him face to face.

Charles was having a meeting when she arrived. She waited for him in his office. A little later, Charles adjourned the meeting and went back to his office. He found Isla seated on the couch waiting for him. "Good morning, Isla. What brought you here so early?" he asked in surprise.

"Morning Charles! Sorry to bother you this early but I have something really important to tell you." Charles sat on the chair beside his office desk and prepared to work. Isla got up from the couch and approached him. "Hey, what's up with you and Sheryl?" she inquired.

Charles paused for a while and heaved a deep sigh. Then he answered,"She seems to hate me. She is also allergic to get too close to me."

"So, that's it? You're just gonna give up?" Isla got very worried as she probed.

"How could that be possible?" Charles glanced at Isla and added,"You know very well I don't give up easily."

No matter how cold Sheryl treated him, she was the only one he loved. He loved her so much that he would never give up on her. "I will do everything to win her heart back," he uttered decisively.

Then he gazed at Isla with extreme curiosity. "Did you see me just to find out my next move?"

"Of course not." Isla finally recalled her main intention in seeing Charles. She arched a brow and started to divulge,"Sheryl called me last night."

"Why did she call you?" Charles got amazed and asked Isla abruptly.

"It seemed that... she remembered something in the past." Isla added,"She said she wanted to see Autumn's photo. She wanted to verify whether she is Autumn or not."

"Did you show her the photo?" Charles asked her nervously. He had waited for this moment for a long time. He couldn't help but grasp the pen tightly in suspense.

"Yes, I did." Isla added,"I just want to warn you that Sheryl must have known your identity by now. You should take an action as soon as possible."

"I know." Charles nodded his head in approval. The situation got much more complicated.

As Isla was about to leave, she said,"Oh, I nearly forgot something important." Isla flashed a glare at Charles and added,"Sheryl was not feeling well. She was confined at Y City Hospital for treatment. Her ward number is 1615."

"What... what happened to her?" Charles didn't bother to wait for Isla's reply nor asked for more. He rushed out of the office to see Sheryl. He had lost her once and that made his heart broken. So he wouldn't let her be lost again this time.


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