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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 671

Nancy finished cooking the meal and went to Sheryl's bedroom to call her. She found Sheryl lost in her own world. Sheryl got a little startled to see Nancy. "Hi Nancy, is the meal ready?" Sheryl inquired on coming out of her thoughts.

"Yes, it is. Please wash your hands and come to eat." Nancy could tell from Sheryl's expression that something was wrong. As Shirley was with them, she didn't have the chance to question Sheryl about it. After their meal was done, Sheryl took Shirley to her room and put her to bed. She tucked her in her bed, adjusted the blanket around her and kissed her on the forehead. As she shut the door and came out, Nancy handed her a glass of honey water.

"Thank you, Nancy!" Sheryl thanked her politely. She really felt a lot more relaxed after hiring Nancy. Nancy took good care of them.

Sheryl looked at Nancy and said in a soft tone,"Nancy, I'll go to work tomorrow. Please take good care of Shirley for me."

"Don't worry, Miss Xia," Nancy assured her. "By the way, you look a little under the weather. What happened? Is everything all right with you?

I don't mean to pry, but it is just that I care about you. Maybe you'll feel more comfortable after pouring out your troubles. I'm older than you, and have experience in many things. I may be able to give you some advice on the matter," Nancy added earnestly.

After a long hesitation, Sheryl decided to tell Nancy the truth. "Nancy, I really don't know what I should do. I know I should keep away from him, but he keeps trying to get close to me. I don't know how to refuse him. Maybe deep inside, I'm unwilling to leave him..." Sheryl stammered.

"Are you talking about the man I saw this morning?" Nancy asked with a frown. It seemed that Sheryl really liked Anthony.

"No!" Sheryl shook her head and added,"I mean Charles. Actually, I really feel guilty about Anthony. If it weren't for Charles, I think I would have married Anthony without hesitation. But now, I don't know what to do. I am caught in a dilemma."

"Charles? You mean Charles Lu?" Nancy cried, her eyes wide with shock.

"Uh... Yes..." Sheryl was a little shocked at Nancy's reaction and asked,"Nancy, you... Do you know him? How?"

"No, no… Nothing of that sort." Nancy immediately shook her head. Her heart was wild with joy. She had been considering how to get Charles to meet Sheryl. But it turned out that he had already met Sheryl.

Nancy was finally relieved.

Sheryl was really confused by the joy on Nancy's face and was about to ask her something. Nancy coughed loudly to distract her and to conceal her true feelings. She gave Sheryl a silly reason,"Charles Lu is a well-known celebrity in Y City. I believe most people have heard and known of him."

"Is it so? So that is how you know his name." Sheryl heaved a sigh of relief and smiled at Nancy. Although Nancy hadn't given her any advice, Sheryl felt much more comfortable after sharing her thoughts. She felt as if Nancy was sharing the burden with her now and was a huge moral support to her.

Sheryl stood up and turned to Nancy. "Nancy, you may sleep now. I want to be alone and think about it."

"Sure." Nancy stood and walked towards her room. But after a short hesitation, she stopped and turned around. "Miss Xia..."


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