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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 689

"Mrs. Lin?" Kitty cried with bewilderment. She was confused as to why she was slapped by Chris.

Chris flashed a cold glare at Kitty and said,"Remember that I will not spare you if you dare speak ill of Sheryl once again."

"And as for the rest of you girls," she added as she fiercely looked around,"if you dare bully Sheryl from now onwards, I will beat you up."

All the models lowered their heads as they heard Chris' words. Chris glared at Kitty and continued,"I don't care about whatever woman my brother chooses to be with because I trust he has good taste. At least I know he will never choose the likes of you, so you should just give up chasing him as early as possible."

Chris sneered and added,"If I come to know you all are still bullying Sheryl, I promise that you will not find any job in Y City. All doors will close to you. You are most welcome to test it if you don't believe my words."

Kitty's face became pale with fear. Chris pushed the crowd out of her way and walked up to Sheryl.

Sheryl had heard the scolding and raised her head as Chris approached her. She looked gratefully at Chris and said,"Thanks."

"You are welcome," Chris replied. Chris was very annoyed with Kitty and she was surprised when she saw Sheryl's indifferent attitude. Chris could tell that Sheryl was accustomed to Kitty's behavior.

"Why do you not get angry? The words they said to you were really harsh," Chris asked Sheryl in a wondering voice.

"Why should I waste my energy by getting angry?" Sheryl smiled and said,"Nothing can be changed by anger. Kitty won't change her nature and she will still speak ill of me again the next time. I was really angry the first time they said nasty things about me, but now... I have become accustomed to it and don't care."

Sheryl glanced gently at Chris and said with a smile,"Don't worry. Their harsh words do not have the power to hurt me."

"You are just too tolerant of them," Chris said in disgust. She heaved a sigh and added,"If they behave in this way again, you just call me and I will teach them a lesson."

"Thanks. But you don't have to do this for me. I really mean it," Sheryl refused her offer with a smile. 'Chris is still like a big girl even though she has married and has a child, ' Sheryl thought. "I don't want to disturb you with all such petty things. Besides, it's no big deal for me, really," she said to Chris.

Sheryl could predict that Kitty would treat her with increased vengeance after this episode with Chris. Sheryl knew she must face further trouble caused by Kitty.

But Sheryl didn't mention all this to Chris.

After the short break, Gerry ordered all of them to continue with the rehearsal. Chris slipped away to Charles' office. When she entered she found Sam and Charles talking about Sheryl.

There were twins in her womb before she went missing. Now she had only Shirley. Charles had searched for her twin for a long time but to no avail. He was very worried about his missing child and Shirley's twin.

"I can't ask Sheryl anything in her present condition. What should I do? I have to know what has happened to the second baby," Charles asked Sam. He had no choice left but to ask for Sam's help now.

Sam considered a while and then said to Charles,"Actually... there is a person who must surely know the other baby's whereabouts."


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