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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 709

"You..." After hearing Anthony's words, Sheryl completely gaped at him.

Staring at Anthony, she felt he was so strange. Was the person in front of her now still the same Anthony that she used to know?

"So..." Sheryl was at a loss for words. Eventually, she asked in disbelief, "Are you getting even with me now?"

"Whatever you think," Anthony said. He then waved his hand impatiently to Sheryl. "Let me just remind you that what I have done was just a drop in the ocean compared to what you have done. So, if you want to break up with me with such an excuse, I am sorry but I can't accept it," Anthony said to Sheryl with a shrug.

Sheryl smiled wryly after hearing Anthony's words. She couldn't figure out why Anthony suddenly became like this. She even didn't know how to rebut.

All she could do was only smile bitterly. "Anthony, you have really changed," Sheryl said in a faint voice.

"Everybody changes," Anthony countered. He fastened his eyes on Sheryl and inquired, "Dare you say that you have never changed?" He arched a brow and continued, "Sheryl, I can swear that I don't have any relationship with Sue. But, how about you? Can you swear that you don't have an affair with Charles?"

If it was before yesterday, Sheryl could definitely say no.

However, because of that accidental kiss, she couldn't be that assertive anymore. She cast a glance at Anthony and just said helplessly, "I don't want to argue about this with you."

"It is not that you don't want to. You really dare not to." Anthony smiled sarcastically. Then he added grimly, "Sheryl, whatever you may be thinking right now, I want to remind you again that my mother will come tomorrow. If you still haven't changed at all, then I hope we can still pick her up together tomorrow." Anthony didn't want to cancel it anymore since he had planned this meeting for such a long time.

Finally, Laura agreed to see Sheryl. He truly didn't want to miss this opportunity. "I honestly still want to be together with you. I will wait for you at 3:00 PM tomorrow. If you still want to be with me, you should ask for a leave."

Sheryl remained silent. She was overwhelmed by mixed emotions. She only wanted to go home quickly.

When Sheryl arrived home, she sat on the sofa for a long time. Nancy noticed her so she came to her with a glass of water. Her voice was full of concern. "What's wrong with you? Aren't you feeling well?"

Sheryl looked horridly pale and Nancy was extremely shocked to see her face.

"I'm fine," Sheryl replied absentmindedly while she took the glass from Nancy. It was still in summer, but Sheryl completely felt chilly.

Sheryl didn't get a wink of sleep the whole night. What Anthony had said kept troubling her mind. She really didn't know when did they start suspecting and guarding each other.

She was supposed to feel delighted because she could finally meet Anthony's mother. However, she just couldn't feel any happiness at all.

She wasn't even sure if it was really necessary to see Anthony's mother.

The good thing was, Sheryl seemed to have gotten along well with other models recently. Without Kitty and Tammy stirring up troubles, the models were being friendly to each other, at least on the surface. During their break time, Rita took a bottle of water and went over to Sheryl. She handed the bottle to Sheryl and asked kindly, "Sher, what on earth is wrong with you? You look so distressed."

Then she added, "Are you okay? You look slightly pale."

Sheryl took the water and expressed her gratitude to Rita, "I am fine. I just didn't have a good sleep last night."


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