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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 711

Sheryl reluctantly accepted Laura's order. She was exhausted from carrying two large suitcases for Laura, but Laura tried to give her more to carry. "Junia, come here. Give your suitcase to Miss Xia. She will carry it for you," she told Junia.

Junia nodded in agreement and said to Sheryl, "Thank you, Miss Xia."

Looking at the three suitcases, Sheryl didn't know how to deal with them.

Waiting beside the car with Laura, Anthony frowned slightly as he noticed Sheryl was in trouble. "Mom, wait a minute. I'll help Sher," he said to his mother.

"No, you can't go!" Laura commanded him seriously. "If you dare help her, I will not like it!" she warned.

Anthony arched a brow in puzzlement. "Mom, why do you treat her like this? How can she carry so many suitcases by herself? She has done nothing wrong, so why are you punishing her in this way? Clearly, you are just... troubling her on purpose," he said.

"I am troubling her? Really!" Laura gave a cold smile and told Anthony, "Yes, you are right. I am causing trouble for her, so what?"

Then she glanced swiftly at Anthony and said, "She is just a shameful single mother. Her child was born out of wedlock and she has stolen my son. So why should I be friendly with her?"

"Don't say such harsh words, mom." Anthony said with a frown, "Sher is not the kind of woman you think her to be. You will know it after you get to know her better."

"Okay. I will try to know more about her." Laura sneered and said to Anthony, "I want to see what kind of a person she is. I caused trouble for her only to test her obedience and patience with me. If you help her at this point, the test will become invalid and a failure."

"Mom, what do you mean? You are doing all this just to test her?" Anthony asked his mother in surprise.

"Of course." Laura flashed a cool look at Anthony and said, "What did you think my intention was? Did you really think I was troubling her just for the sake of it. How could you think of me, your mother, in this way?"

"No, I didn't mean that," he explained. Anthony felt reassured as he heard Laura's words. He requested Laura, "Mom, please don't go too far with your test. Show some mercy."

"Okay. Don't worry. I know my limits," Laura promised him. Laura glanced at Anthony and said, "I know how to deal with her. I will stop when I see what I have achieved."

At the same time, Sheryl was struggling with the three suitcases and wondering how to reach the car.

She knew Laura was testing her and trying to teach her a lesson. But she was an elder and Anthony's mother after all, so Sheryl would bear it for his sake. As she finally dragged all the suitcases to the car, Anthony tried to help her load them in the trunk but was held back by Laura. "Anthony, just leave all that to Miss Xia. I believe she can handle them easily by herself," she said.

Sheryl was rendered speechless. She quietly did as Laura said.

So Laura, Junia and Anthony just watched Sheryl load all the suitcases into the trunk by herself. She had to use all her strength and was totally exhausted after that.

Sheryl thought that she would be spared further trouble now and was ready to get in the car. But Laura was not done with her. She created a new trouble immediately.

She glanced at Sheryl and said, "Miss Xia, can Junia sit on the front passenger seat? She has motion sickness and feels dizzy if she sits at the back."

Normally, the front passenger's seat is meant to be occupied by someone close to the driver. Sheryl didn't care about all that. She was perfectly happy to sit on the back seat.

"Mom..." Anthony was unhappy. He dragged Laura to a corner and said to her, "You promised me that all this is just a test. But what you did just now goes too far. Sher is my girlfriend. Rightfully, she should sit beside me. Why did you tell Junia to sit beside me?"

"Is there anything wrong in that?" Laura asked in an innocent manner, "I don't think it matters who sits where. I asked Junia to sit in the front because it would help reduce her motion sickness and also... It's more convenient for me to chat with Miss Xia if she is sitting beside me."


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