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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 718

She couldn't wrap her head around it. Why would that even invade her thoughts? Was it because she hadn't been intimate with a man in too long? 'It was just a little slip, ' she tried to tell herself.

Without even looking at the man's face, she could feel his taunting gaze on her.

"God, you're despicable," she threw the remark at him in exasperation as she got off the car.

His mocking laughter rang in her ears as she hurriedly walked away.

After eating at Hong Fu Restaurant, Anthony led Laura and Junia back to the hotel.

He let Laura's ramblings about Sheryl's condition enter one ear and leave the other. He was sick of it.

Sheryl's face just couldn't escape his mind.

There was no doubt that Anthony had hurt her. He kept silent when he could have pulled her out of that predicament. He knew within himself that it was far too late to do anything more about it.

His mother's voice had almost faded to mere white noise to him, but it was relentless. "I told you, didn't I?" Her resentful words cut through his little trance. "The woman has an affair with some other man and has the nerve to bring him to us. You can't possibly be with such a woman without getting hurt, or you will be caught up in some mess."

Charles' sudden appearance, of course, brought but joy to the Laura. She would be nothing short of cunning when it came to breaking Sheryl and Anthony up.

"It's shameful, Anthony. You can't keep this up. Think about what it would do to your family," she added carefully but eagerly. Her eyebrows were furrowed in deliberate concern as she grabbed at his hands. "You're lucky your father wasn't here today or he would be livid."

He shook her off, the frustration taking over his demeanor. "That's enough," shouted Anthony. His mother could hear the anger in his voice. "What more do you have to say, Mom? You came here to tear us apart. That is clear."

Laura's eyes widened at her son's tone. "How dare you! You'd better listen to your mother, Anthony. Just look at her! How much shameless could she be? How can you expect me to let you marry her?"

Anthony slowed in his steps. "I know her." His voice went cold. "I know her but you don't. You even refuse to know her," he said with a sneer. "I've been with her for years and I know what kind of woman she is. You can't just barge into my life like this and tell me to leave her. You only want to humiliate her, Mom. You had the gall to ask her to send her own daughter away. How could you?" He was shaking his head in disbelief, staggering on resentment.

"What..." Laura was so taken aback that her scolding was stuck in her throat. But the piercing look she was giving her son spoke well enough.

"Anthony," Junia's soft voice tried to cut into the tension. With a gentle tone, she tried to calm the boy down. "I cannot truly speak for this woman, because I don't know her. But even I can't deny how overly familiar she looked with the man. You may think Laura has crossed a line there, but she's still your mother. It may be hard to accept, but what she's saying is for your own good. You should try to listen to her."

"God, just stop!" Anthony's voice raised a few decibels. Junia went silent, and her gaze dropped to her feet. Anthony sighed as his hands found their way to his temples. "This is a private affair — it's my life for goodness' sake. Please just stay out of it."

It baffled the two women. Sheryl had left with Charles, but Anthony continued to defend her.

They couldn't understand.

Calming down now, Laura put her hand on her son's. "I know you love her. But you're a smart boy, please don't let your feelings keep you blind. She left with the man, Anthony. Would she do that if she cares for you as much as you care for her?" She put her hand under his chin and made him look at her. "Break up with Sheryl, Anthony."


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