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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 728

"Okay," the word came out dry from Charles' mouth. The news of Sheryl's memory returning did not spark anything within him.

Whether she was Sheryl or Autumn, whether or not she remembered her past — it was her life, and he had nothing to do with that. It didn't affect how he felt about her.

What did concern him, however, was how often her head ached, and how often she felt faint lately.

"Sher," the nickname felt right on his lips, he thought. It didn't matter if the woman in front of him held new memories that day, he would treat her as he always would. "How are you? Do you feel better now?" He went to her side in concern. It pained him to see her in such a state, leaning on the bed with a needle in her hand, looking fragile and restless.

At that moment, Sheryl felt more whole. She remembered many things. She looked at Charles and felt the affection she had tucked away within herself — she had loved him deeply.

Even so, she could not completely recall the moment when she had her baby. She could piece most things together, but not the piece she cared for the most.

"What's wrong?" Charles prodded. "Are you feeling sick?" When she didn't answer, he motioned to David. "Call the doctor in."

It snapped Sheryl out of her little trance, and she sighed. "I'm fine, Charles. I don't need to see the doctor."

"You worry me," he sounded uncertain. Charles sat down near her, but not close enough to disturb where she rested. "What can I do? If something happens to you, what can I do?"

Sheryl gave him a smile. It was slight, but reassuring. "I'm fine. I promise." 'Autumn, ' she suddenly thought of the name. She was Autumn, and she still was, even if she had led a different life for three years.

"What's the matter?" Charles wanted to comfort her, make her feel safe. But he knew that a million things were going on in her head, he could see it in her eyes. She was in front of him, but her mind was far away, putting together pieces of a life she has drifted away from.

He took her hand in his. "Do you remember everything?"

The question made her swallow dry. She never expected Charles to be there as she recovered, and she wasn't sure how to deal with it. After thinking for a while, she shook her head. She didn't want to lie to him, but she just didn't know how to face him.

As she looked up, she caught a glance at herself in the mirror on the wall across from there. It stunned her. Those were her eyes looking back at her, on her own pale face and empty expression. For a moment, it seemed as if her reflection had kept the secret all along. During those three years, Autumn lived inside of her.

Now, she could see herself, Autumn, standing in her own skin, next to Charles — the man she had once called husband.

"Charles, I…" An ache crept up in her chest."

"That's okay." He stopped her. He knew how much harder it must be for her, and he didn't want any guilt to worsen the burden she was undoubtedly putting on herself. He leaned in to hug her tightly. "I'm glad you're fine."

His words moved her. Sheryl could barely respond, but her heart was full of warmth — a feeling she did not realize she was so familiar with.

He gave her another reassuring smile. He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them gently. She was a treasure to her, one that had been lost and finally recovered.


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