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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 748

Andy pulled Abby intensely to the staircase which was diagonally opposite the ward. He dragged Abby so hard that she couldn't free herself and spill the beans to Sheryl. Andy closed the door of the staircase immediately. He felt relieved and involuntarily loosened his grip. Abby yelled at him with rage as she tried to pull herself free, "Release me! I can't hide the truth from Sheryl any longer. I'm stricken with guilt. I'll tell her the whole truth right away." Unknowingly, Charles was just outside the ward. Since the wall was not soundproof, Charles could still clearly make out what they were talking about despite the door being closed.

"Are you insane?" Andy exclaimed. Although Andy tried his best to fully control his voice, Charles could still hear him clearly. They didn't know he was eavesdropping.

"If you tell her the truth, I'll look like a deceitful person. Don't you realize that? Regardless of what Anthony did, he saved our son's life before. We owe him. Can't you just stand on our side and keep your mouth shut?" Andy pleaded as he persuaded her to side with him.

"Save your breath. I have made up my mind," Abby clicked her tongue in contempt. "Anthony did help Rick find a matched heart donor and I can't thank him enough for that. But we can show our gratitude to him through other means. Why do you have to do things against your conscience?"

Abby continued with a bitter smile, not allowing Andy to speak, "Didn't you hear what Sheryl has just said? You heard what that bastard did to Sheryl, didn't you? That scumbag attempted to rape Sheryl. The worst part is, Shirley was there and she was too young to witness that horrific scene. She was so scared that she got tensed up. Now, she has developed autism. Shirley is my great-niece. Now tell me, how can I stand on your side and keep my mouth shut?"

Abby's heart ached as she pictured a panic on Shirley's face. She looked at Andy who was in front of her and said with regret, "If I had told Sheryl the truth earlier, she would have known Anthony's true colors and kept a distance from him. Then all those things wouldn't have happened. Most importantly, Shirley would have been perfectly fit and well with complete happiness."

As her eyes were fixated onto him, she said to Andy with determination, "Andy, we shouldn't do things which prick our conscience. Sheryl is my niece. I can't act as if I'm a stranger or a bystander who keeps her in the dark. We should..." She became more excited as she spoke and her face turned red.

Andy cut in to stop her from blabbering and raised his voice a bit, "Abby! please listen to me." Andy lifted his hands and gently held Abby's shoulders to comfort and calm her down. He said to her insistently, "I admit that I didn't cover all the bases before I helped Anthony. But you should consider the fact that Sheryl's story might be unreal. Anthony did help save Rick. That's the thing we are absolutely sure of. Abby, I beg you, let us please stay out of this mess."

"No! I am not doing that," she shouted. Knowing that Andy still didn't budge on the issue, Abby was enraged beyond measure. She violently shook his hands off her shoulders. She clicked her tongue in despair and told Andy, "I have been married to you for so many years. I don't know your true nature until today. You are such a selfish person. How can you be so distant and cruel to Sheryl and Shirley? I can't hold my tongue any longer from revealing the truth to Sheryl. Keep that in mind. I will not force you to do anything but think about it carefully before you make a decision."

Abby felt a great disappointment towards Andy. Before she was able to turn around to leave, Andy stopped her. He took her by the hand and implored her, "Abby, please give me more time, will you?

Give me two more days, just two days. I will meet Sheryl to apologize after I repay Anthony. Is that agreeable to you?" His eyes begged Abby.

Abby had already made up her mind. But when her husband eventually budged on the matter and appeared to be sincere, her determination disappeared. She couldn't turn him down the way she did minutes ago.

She hesitated for a while. Finally, she asked, "Do you mean it? Or is it just another lie to stop me?"

"Of course not," Andy promised sincerely. "Believe me, after two days, I will tell the whole story to everyone."

"All right. I will give you one last chance then." She believed him anyway. Abby smiled bitterly and spoke to him, "Andy, make sure not to let me down again. Remember, there is no second chance as this is the last." Andy nodded reassuringly.

Abby turned around and opened the door. She walked out with Andy following her. The moment they stepped out, they spotted Charles sitting right outside the ward. They had been too preoccupied with the secret buried deep in their heart to pay any attention to the people in the corridor of the hospital. They both glanced at each other and didn't know what to do at that moment.

A sudden pang of guilt and embarrassment welled up inside Abby. Their selfishness deepened the misunderstanding between Charles and Sheryl and continued their separation. She felt too ashamed to look at Charles, so she immediately lowered her head to avoid eye contact. After her senses came back to herself, she strode towards the ward without a second thought. On the other hand, as Andy walked towards Charles, he asked, "Cigarette?"

"Why not?" Charles inclined his head slightly. He knew Andy had something to tell him in private so he tilted his head sideways and said to Charlie tenderly, "You can go and play with Shirley. She needs you."

Charlie understood it so he walked inside the ward to give them space for a private conversation. After Charlie closed the ward door, Charles silently followed Andy to the window. They stood facing each other. Andy brought a packet of cigarette out of his pocket and gracefully shook it until one cigarette showed a little. He handed the packet to Charles and helped him light a cigarette. They both smoked without talking for some minutes. Suddenly, Andy broke the silence and said, "I'm sorry."


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