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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 759

Carlson stared at Laura for a long while before he finally made up his mind. "If you stop me, I'm going to leave you. Do you understand? I'm not going to tolerate such an unreasonable wife."

Laura was dumbfounded. 'What did he just say?' They may have had their disagreements, but he had never made such a bold declaration like that before. For a moment, all she could do was stare at the man in front of her. It was like all of a sudden, Carlson wasn't the husband she had known for so long. She could feel something cold from him that she hadn't felt before. He was no longer the man who always did her bidding.

"So you want to divorce me?" Laura asked, still in disbelief. She couldn't be too sure — maybe Carlson didn't mean it, and maybe it was an impulsive statement. The more she looked into his eyes, the more evident it became how serious he was, and it took her everything to not completely spiral down into panic.

Anthony saw the tension between them, and intercepted, "Alright, that's enough. You're both acting like children. If you don't want to apologize, then that's that. I'll go with dad, and you'll have nothing more to do with it. How's that?"

Laura stayed silent. How did she end up in such a position, she wondered. It was all quite a series of events. Laura was a prideful woman, but she would rather go through it with her son than leave it be. "No," she sighed in defeat. "I will go with you."

They arrived at Sheryl's place in the evening with all kinds of fruits and tonics as gifts. Arthur and Amy were inside with Sheryl, and were ready to leave when they heard a knock on their door.

Nancy went to greet their guests, but her face went sour when she saw Anthony's face on the other side of the door. Her demeanor instantly turned unwelcoming, and she turned them away. "What do you think you're doing here? You'd better leave."

"Nancy, I'm just here to see Shirley, I promise. Has she gotten better? Please let me see her," he pleaded. Anthony knew they had every right to turn him away, but he truly wanted to check on the little girl.

Nancy plastered a bitter smile on her face. "Sheryl and Shirley are completely fine, as long as you stay away from them. They're better off without you bringing your mess into their lives. No one wants to see you." Ready to leave it at that, she moved to close the door.

"Nancy, please." Anthony held it by the edge, desperate to stop her. "I know that I've done wrong. I know I've brought them harm. But please give me a chance to apologize… It means everything to me that they know I'm sorry. That's all. Please don't…" He smiled, and it was a weak smile, but a kind one. "Please don't shut me out."

Nancy wasn't moved. "We don't need your apology. As long as you leave Sheryl alone, we won't have to shut you out. So go." Her voice was stern.

Observing the whole interaction was Laura, standing behind Anthony, and ready to tell the woman off. "Who do you think you are, bitch? My son has come all the way down here to apologize, what more do you want?" Her arrogance was surfacing without limit. "If you have any good sense, get Sheryl out here now, or I'm teaching you a lesson."

Nancy just smirked at them. "You stupid woman. You have no right. What makes you think you can demand for Sheryl to see you? Let alone listen to your lame excuse for an apology?" Laura looked ready to pounce on her, when they all heard a voice from inside the house.

"Nancy, what's taking you so long? Who's that at the door?" It was Sheryl. She wondered what could've been holding her up for so long.

Not wanting Sheryl to come out and see their visitors, Nancy hastily called back, "It's no one! I'm coming."


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