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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 844

As any ordinary couple would do, Charles and Sheryl went out for a little stroll hand in hand down the street. The weather gave them a calm day, which seemed rare given the recent string of events.

The peace was shortlived, however, when Sue came to Sheryl's mind. She stopped in her steps and pulled Charles back and sighed. "Charles, I'm counting on you… with Sue. You know that, right?"

Charles smiled warmly in response, wanting to reassure her. "Don't worry about it. I'll do anything to sort it all out quickly so you can move back home with me."

Hearing his words, Sheryl felt red creeping up her cheeks.

It was Sheryl who planned to send Charles back home, but somehow, she was to be sent back to her place by Charles, and even with all that had happened, she found herself feeling nothing but affection for Charles because of it. When their stroll came to an end, she gave him a long stare. "You've had some wine. You shouldn't drive."

"I know. I'll call a car to bring me back," he responded with affection. The air around them was warm and familiar. When they gazed at each other, they hid smiles in their eyes.

With Charles' promise, Sheryl nodded in relief. "Alright then. I should get back now." It was a reluctant parting. On the way to the door, Sheryl had to look back at the man before entering the house -- and he wore a warm smile for every turn she gave. Even as she finally got herself inside, her heart was still beating because of his words.

Sheryl jumped a little when the light in her bedroom suddenly went on. Sue's presence took her off guard, as she thought Sue would still be in her room. With someone else around, Sheryl had to calm her heart down and conceal the bashful smile threatening to surface. "It's getting late. Why are you still up?"

"I was waiting for you," Sue smiled as she said it. She stared at Sheryl with a suggestive look.

The latter had to pretend to be busy sorting and tidying things up to avoid looking at the other girl. "Why were you waiting? You didn't have to."

"Just wanted to make sure you didn't forget to remind Charles about my dilemma, but maybe that's too much to remember when you're indulging in love." Sue's tone was teasing, and she smiled mischievously at her friend.

"What… What are you talking about?" Sheryl said hastily, her face growing red with embarrassment. "I do not indulge in..."

"Please, I just saw you two," Sue teased. "You were both so reluctant to part ways even for a night," she chuckled. "You're such a woman in love."

She then took Sheryl's cheeks in her hands and cooed, "Look at you, your lips are all swollen. The next time you make out, please remind Mr. Lu to have a little more control. You're a model, after all, you still need to keep up your image."

Hearing her words, Sheryl subconsciously touched her lips, earning a burst of laughter from Sue. At that moment, Sheryl realized she had been played hard.

She groaned in embarrassment and annoyance and pushed Sue down onto the bed to 'sort her out.'

"Sure enough, the IQ of a woman in love is zero," Sue continued.

"Shut up you…" Sheryl teased back and put an angry tone in her voice, even if her face said otherwise. "You tease me like this after I just did you a favor? Well then, tomorrow I'm calling Charles, and I'm telling him to ignore all your problems, and you're on your own!"

Coming down from the high of laughter, Sue surrendered, "Stop, stop, you're not indulging in love. I admit it." A genuine smile replaced the teasing laugh. "Sher, I really am happy for you."

With a sigh, she continued, "I know you told me you didn't care about my relationship with Anthony a while back, but I was still worried. When I saw how happy you were with Charles, though, I finally believe it."

Sheryl looked at her then. "My relationship with Anthony is completely over, Sue. You really don't have to care about it anymore."

Sue nodded this time -- she had finally stopped resisting. "I know."


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