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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 879

Abby put down the fork and said to Sheryl, "Sher, you're not taking anything. Stop being so concerned about others. You should eat too."

"Yes, I will." Sheryl nodded her head in agreement.

"I am full," replied Sue wanting to leave since she sensed some hostility from Abby's side. This made Sue want to leave as soon as possible. "Sher, I am going upstairs. Take your time and enjoy the meal."

"Okay. Don't be in a hurry. Be careful and watch out for the stairs." Sheryl cared a great deal about Sue and didn't want her to trip or fall.

When Sue left the dining room, Abby said quietly to Sheryl, "Sher, I don't mind if you allow her to stay here, but..."

Abby frowned a little bit and continued, "I know you care about her and stuff. But you know what she has done to you in the past. Don't you feel uncomfortable with her staying here?"

Abby breathed a sigh and went on to say, "Are you not afraid that... she will turn her back on you and plot against you in the future?"

"Aunt Abby, I am certain that Sue is not that kind of a person." Sheryl smiled and there was no anger on her face. She knew that Abby was just concerned about her. Even though Abby's words were rude, her intention seemed pure. "It's just that her mood was off earlier. But she is a good girl and will not do that again."

"Sher, listen to me," Abby pleaded. Hearing about Sheryl's belief in Sue, she couldn't help but frown. Being determined, she continued, "You have a very kind heart and trust people blindly. Let's take Leila for example. She treated you unkindly. Don't you remember? You still chose to forgive them."

Abby sighed again and continued, "People say that a leopard never changes its spots. Similarly, it is hard to change a person's nature. How can you still believe Sue?"

"Because I understand her," answered Sheryl without taking her eyes off her meal.

"You..." Abby was somewhat agitated by Sheryl's naive words. She took a quick glance at Charles and said, "You don't care about this, do you?"

"Whatever her decision is, I will respect and support her," Charles said without a hint of hesitation. He cared for her, so he swore to stand by her through thick and thin.

"You two..." Abby looked at them and shook her head in disbelief. "I am so pissed right now."

Anger filled her eyes as she kept on eyeing both Charles and Sheryl. "You both make me look like a nosy woman. It's like I am interfering in other's business. Well, alright then. Since it's your business, go ahead and do whatever you want. I will keep myself out of it."

Seeing that Abby was annoyed, Andy, who was by her side, tried to console her, "Look, you are so kind to care about Sheryl. Nobody thinks of you as a nosy woman. Now leave these negative thoughts behind and let's just enjoy this good meal."

"I am done with the meal," said Abby angrily.

"Aunt Abby..." Sheryl said, not knowing how to console her. She knew that Abby cared about her yet she wasn't willing to live her life according to her terms. No matter what others said to her, she would not change her mind based on others' opinion.

Leaving her chair, she stood up and walked to the side of Abby. Slowly, she took hold of her aunt's hands and said, "Please excuse me for being so blunt. I know what you are saying is for my own benefit. You have to understand that Sue is not like Leila."

"I don't even know what to say to you anymore," said Abby. She glanced around and caught Andy's eyes, which begged her to stop this fight. She hesitated for a moment, and finally sat back. "Well, since you have made up your decision, I won't bother you anymore. But remember my words and be careful. Don't be fooled by others again."


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