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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 887

The voices and commotion in the house were blurred in Laura's mind. She suddenly paused in her tracks when Peggy dropped the news to her on this fine evening. Her eyes darted between Sue and Peggy in utter disbelief. "You… Can you repeat what you just said?" she asked again. There was a small lapse of silence in the whole apartment as Laura waited with a bated breath.

"I said… she's pregnant." Peggy finally spoke. Since Sue seemingly refused to chime in, Peggy decided to tell Laura everything. "The child's father is Anthony," Peggy added as she looked straight into Laura's eyes.

Once again, Laura was in total disbelief. She was truly shocked by Peggy's words. "Is that true? What Peggy said is true?" Laura asked Sue for the umpteenth time.

A small frown made its way to Sue's face. She had never thought that Peggy would expose her pregnancy to Laura. Her hands fidgeted as she had no idea what to do or say next. Fortunately, Anthony inched closer to her just in time and answered his mother, "Yes, that's true."

Anthony gazed warmly at Laura. "Mom, you'll be a grandmother," he added with a gentle smile.

Laura's eyes appeared condescending at first, but she suddenly blurted out, "My son, how dare you! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" It turned out that she was overjoyed by Sue's pregnancy. She patted her son's back to offer her congratulations and then turned to Sue. Laura warmly held Sue's hands in her own and gently inquired about her pregnancy experience, "How many months of your pregnancy? Have you ever felt uncomfortable?"

Sue hadn't even answered her yet but Laura had already started talking again, and her arms were now around Sue's shoulders. "I still remember in the time of my early pregnancy, I had morning sickness every day. I felt badly ill as if bile was threatening to spill out of me," she reminisced.

After Peggy told her of Sue's pregnancy, Laura quickly and suddenly forgone her poor manners and completely ignored Sue's harsh words towards her, as if it never even happened.

Her face lit up with pure joy and excitement with the news. She even started to think ahead about the wedding ceremony. "As you are pregnant, the wedding ceremony should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. Wearing a wedding dress with a big belly or holding the wedding ceremony after giving birth to the child will be the topic of gossips. Thus, we need to hold the wedding ceremony as quickly as we can," she directly told Sue.

A small frown arched on Laura's face for the second time when she realized how much they needed to squeeze in short time because of the pregnancy. "Fine, I have to select a lucky day and book a hotel for the wedding ceremony as quickly as possible," she said after carefully thinking about it.

Even though Laura's mind was full of many fabulous ideas for the wedding, she couldn't help but worry about the limited time they had to prepare for it. "In such a short time, I am not sure whether we could book the hotel…"

Laura was so excited with settling and prepping for the wedding ceremony that Sue almost hated to interrupt her joyous ramblings, but she had to. She cleared her throat and said, "Aunt Laura, the child is mine and he has nothing to do with Anthony."

"Sue, what exactly are you talking about?" Peggy chimed in and gave Sue a stern look. "Ridiculous words. How could you get pregnant by yourself?" she asked Sue in a lofty voice.

"Yes. That is right," Laura agreed and looked at Sue with a tender smile on her face. "Don't worry. If Anthony dares to bully you, you could tell me and I will sort him out," Laura added to reassure Sue.

However, Sue wasn't placated by Laura's words. "Aunt, that's not what I meant." Exasperation was evident on Sue's face. 'Why does no one understand me?' she thought.

Meanwhile, Anthony drew Sue's shoulders closer to him and chipped in the conversation. "Mom, how do I even dare to bully her?" he chided. His lips curled upward into a smile. "She is the most important person in my heart now. I promise, she is the last one on earth I will dare bully. Besides, she has my child in her belly," he said with utmost sincerity.

"You'd better keep that in your mind," Laura said with raised eyebrows. She was definitely pleased by her son's words, but in the next second her face contorted to show worry. "What name should we give the baby?" she said tentatively. Anthony's brows shot up to his forehead at his mother's words.

"Mom, what are you thinking about?" he asked her incredulously. "As we still have no idea about the baby's gender, it is too early to think of the baby's name," he added.

Laura smiled good-naturedly in agreement. "Yes, you are right. I was overjoyed by Sue's pregnancy, and I am a little bit muddle-headed," she said in jest. While the rest of them continued to converse, the smell of stew and freshly steamed rice wafted from the kitchen.

Peggy had just finished cooking dinner, and invited everyone to eat first. The smell of food also beckoned Allen and Doris out of their room and they joined in the dining table. After they have all settled down, it was finally time to eat.

Everyone enjoyed their meals, especially Laura. She couldn't hide the joy on her face after knowing about Sue's pregnancy. She was all smiles and happy thoughts the whole time.

She warmly kept serving the food for Sue to make sure she would be full. Not to be out-mannered, Peggy also served lots of food to her daughter as a considerate mother.


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