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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 909

"How could she do this? I am starving to death!"

"I totally agree! Does she take pleasure in putting us through this trouble? Doesn't she feel guilty at all for starving us?"

People around the hall started raising complaints. They were all good-looking, young women with seductive bodies. And though they were Sheryl's colleagues, they always treated her unkindly. They constantly looked for mistakes in her and never missed a single chance to speak ill of her or make her look bad, especially when Holley was amongst them. Susan felt that they were being unreasonable, so she tried to explain, "Excuse me, Miss Ye. I don't mean to be rude but, Sheryl didn't come because she is unwell. How about I convey your message to her later?"

"No way!" Holley yelled, glaring at Susan. She warned her, "Susan, do not forget that I am your boss. You'd better think carefully before you say your next words. Your job is to do whatever I ask you to do and you are not allowed to act without my orders. Is that understood?

Go and tell Sheryl to come right away!" Susan wanted to object, but she just held it all in. She felt helpless in front of Holley. Sighing in defeat, she nodded to her and went to Sheryl's room.

Sheryl immediately noticed Susan's gloomy look. Susan told her what had happened. When she told Sheryl that she had tried to stand up for her, Sheryl was really touched that Susan did that to protect her reputation. A small smile appeared on her face. She didn't want Susan to worry about her anymore. "Thank you so much, Susan, for telling me what happened. I will come with you. Just give me a couple of minutes to get changed."

Sheryl was not at all in a hurry. She moved like a snail, taking off her clothes as slowly as she could. She just felt so good knowing that Holley was waiting for her. This was a rare chance for her to make a fool out of Holley; how could she let that pass?

Sheryl would have loved to make her wait longer, but she didn't want to involve Susan in her matters. But to her surprise, Susan had no intention of hurrying her up despite her taking so long to get changed. Instead, she asked with a touch of concern in her eyes, "Sheryl, are you sure you can do this? You don't have to come if you're not feeling well. Holley can't blame you for this. It's not your fault."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Sheryl replied with a big smile. She wasn't afraid of Holley. She could very well decide not to show up in front of Holley if she desired so. But then, Holley would get angry and she would definitely vent her anger on Susan. Sheryl kind of liked the friendly, warm-hearted woman. So she could not let that happen.

"Okay, if you say so. But if you are feeling unwell, let me know right away!" Susan said, with a sad smile. Sheryl nodded, returning the warm smile.

Sheryl and Susan entered the lift soon after and when the lift started to move, Sheryl began to wonder why Susan was willing to disobey her boss and stand up for her. She turned to look at Susan and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

Susan looked at her, confused. "Afraid of what?"

"Well, your boss clearly doesn't like me and yet, you disobeyed her to help me out. We haven't even known each other for very long. I am confused as to why you are willing to take such risks for my sake." Susan was a little taken aback by the question. They were engulfed by the silence in the lift for a few seconds and then Susan decided to tell her.

"Sheryl, the truth is twe have actually met several years back. I bet you don't remember." Seeing Sheryl's confused look, Susan continued, "Back then, you and Mr. Lu had just gotten married. You were both attending a wine party and I was a servant in that party. Unfortunately, a powerful man got mad at me and tried to use violence on me, but you and Mr. Lu helped me out of the situation."

Susan paused and looked at Sheryl to see if she remembered the incident, but Sheryl had a blank look on her face. Susan added, "It was such a petty thing. For you, it may not be something which deserved to be remembered, but to me, it was a turning point in my life. You were the light that drove away the darkness in me. You saved me."

Susan's words gradually brought back her memories. Sheryl vaguely remembered the incident and recalled that back then Susan was just an innocent and young college student. And now, she had grown up into such a charming and sophisticated woman.

All Sheryl did was lending a helping hand to someone who needed it. She never imagined that Susan gave such importance to that one small act.

"It was nothing much. I would have never remembered if you hadn't mentioned it in such detail." Sheryl continued with a smile, "It's a wonderful coincidence that we met again here after so many years."

"Even though it was a small favor, it really means a lot to me." Susan shook her head. She took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. "Sheryl, I can't imagine what kind of life I would have led if you hadn't given me your hand at that moment. Your small act has changed my life and I am so grateful for that."

"I'm really happy to hear that." The lift came to a halt and the door opened with a "ding". Sheryl was touched by what Susan had said. She felt closer to Susan after their conversation, knowing that they shared a past. She gave Susan a pat on her shoulder and smiled. "It's time to go."

Sheryl walked ahead and Susan followed. When they both stepped into the hall, they saw Holley's grim face and a lot of other impatient gazes fell on them. They had obviously gotten tired of waiting for Sheryl. She smirked silently, feeling very content.

As she approached the hall, the models who had been trash-talking about her mocked, "Attention everyone! See who has finally decided to show up. Our big shot, Sheryl, has graced her with her presence."


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