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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 914

"Susan, let's go." Sheryl pulled Susan's hand as she started to leave. Susan was in a daze. This was her first time to attend such an occasion, and she almost blanked out in shock. Good thing Sheryl willingly reached out to her, so she held her hand with all her might.

Whatever Sheryl told her, she would follow, with no questions asked. It was easy as following the only beam of light in the darkest night.

The two women were just about to reach the door when Holley suddenly called out to Sheryl, "Wait." She had been standing aside and remained silent throughout until now. She took a brief glimpse at Sheryl before she continued with a disdainful look, "So do you just want to leave like this?"

"Miss Ye, are you requesting me to stay?" Sheryl asked her back. She knew in her heart that it wasn't going to be so easy, so she was mentally prepared for what was going to happen next.

Darting a glance back at Holley, she thought, 'I'm not sure whether this woman is Holley or Yvonne. Regardless, she does not look to mean well. So the most important thing now is to leave this place. It will be dangerous for me to stay. The fact that she even stops me from leaving now means something may be up.'

"Sher, I don't want to force you as well," jeered Holley. "I made everything clear before you come here. I emphasized the importance of this event several times to make sure you would understand, and you agreed. But what happened next? It seems that you have forgotten what you've promised. Don't blame me now. I have to make you agree, no matter what it takes."

"I did agree," Sheryl responded coldly. "Do you still remember what you said? You didn't say that I would be a prostitute, did you?"

This was absolutely beyond the bottom line of morality for Sheryl. How could she agree to trade her body for money? In the first place, she wasn't short of money, and her self-respect and self-esteem wouldn't allow her to stoop this low as well. She didn't even want to accept money from Charles. So why would she agree to receive money from a complete stranger by spending a night with him?

"Don't be so rude, Sher," Holley tried to explain. "It's not prostitution. I have laid everything to you. The job simply requires you to serve drinks and wait at tables. It has nothing to do with sex."

Sheryl couldn't believe what she just heard. She walked up to Holley, her eyes fixed on her, and challenged her, "Miss Ye, you may have a way to fool those little girls with your fabulous story, but you can't fool me. I have been with Charles for quite some time. I have seen it myself and Charles has alerted me as well. Do you think I am so naive that I don't even know how your dirty business works?

Those rich men are having a filthy business behind what they call 'business meetings'. They deceive their innocent wives into believing they've been working hard. Yup, absolutely, they're working hard on the bodies of other women. These are not even just any lowly women on the street, but nameless stars and models. They may be more expensive but still affordable as compared to the famous ones and 'of higher quality' and 'cleaner' as they put it." She pointed out Holley's agenda in more detail. "You did mention about serving the food and the drinks, but that's only the first half of the story. These men would pay for the night if any of them want any of the girls. And you, you would do anything to make them agree, whether by force, by money or by other filthy ways unimaginable just because you are in charge, right?"

Holley's face turned pale as she heard Sheryl. She didn't expect Sheryl to know so much about her plans. Noticing Holley's expression, Sheryl realized that she was on the right track, so she continued to attack her in a more confident tone, "Miss Ye, I hope you know who the person behind me is. Aren't you afraid of how Charles will react when he knows this? I'm not threatening you, but just as a matter of fact, I believe Charles will chase you till the end of the world and make sure you get arrested."

Holley was speechless. Sheryl's words caught all the models in surprise and raised their suspicion towards what was truly going to happen. They exchanged glances with each other and started to discuss the credibility of Sheryl's description.

"Can it be that Sheryl is right?" one of the model whispered to another, trying hard to keep the voice low.

"How can that be? Miss Ye won't trick us." Another model peeked at Holley who still remained silent.

"But what Sheryl's said sounds so true. It's not the first time that I've heard about such things. Those people are practically inhumane. I heard that one of them tortured a girl to death in bed. What was even more ridiculous was that the police covered it up and made it appear as suicide."

"Stop saying that. It's so scary."

"But that's true."

"If that's the case, I quit."

Sheryl's speech created a domino effect that scared all the models away one by one. They all decided to quit after Sheryl stepped out.

Even Coral retreated as well.


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