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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 929

"Get in the car," Sheryl told Susan. Charles strapped Sheryl in, but she was more worried about Susan, who was still standing outside the car, behind Charles, not moving. "Get in the car quickly," she told Susan again hurriedly.

"I..." Susan looked like she had something on her mind that she wasn't able to speak out. She hesitated, avoiding Sheryl's worried look and said weakly, "Sher, I don't want to get in the car."

"Why? What are you thinking?" Sheryl was stunned by Susan's words. Then she shook her head, quickly coming to herself again. "If you go back to the hotel now, you won't make it. Listen to me, Susan, hurry up and get in the car."

"But I have to go back to the hotel, no matter what happens," said Susan, giving Sheryl a helpless smile. "All my luggage is back there, and I have nowhere else to stay."

"Don't worry about your luggage. You can go back to get it tomorrow." Sheryl frowned. She did not want Susan to get hurt. She didn't want anything to happen to her friend. She sighed and tried again, "Susan, get in the car first. We'll talk later."

"No, I really can't get in the car and leave with you." Susan shrugged, smiling lamely. Feeling helpless, she continued, "Sher, you don't have to worry about me. Seeing that you are all right makes me feel relieved."

"Susan, get in." Charles chimed in. He did not want Susan to get hurt in any way either. "If you won't leave with us, please at least let me drive you to the hotel where you live. It's already late and it won't be easy to get a cab. It's dangerous."

Susan hesitated for a while, and finally got in the car.

As the car drove up in front of the hotel, Susan moved to get out, but Sheryl turned to her and asked, "Are you sure you aren't leaving with us?" Her voice had a tone of full concern and even fear for her friend.

"Yes, I'm sure," Susan said, giving her a polite smile. "Sher, have a good rest. I will pack your things for you. We will meet in Y City."

Saying that, she stepped out of the car and went through the front doors, entering the building. Watching her friend's back as she walked away, Sheryl bit her bottom lip. She couldn't help but feel upset. She felt like not being able to help Susan at all.

Charles took Sheryl back to his hotel, which was not too far from where Holley was staying. He carried her all the way to their room and lay her down on the bed before going to get the bath ready for her.

Sheryl felt that her strength was coming back, and thought that she could take a bath by herself. However, when she stood to walk to the bathroom, she fainted, her legs giving out under her. As she fell, she let out a pain-streaked cry.

Charles rushed out of the bathroom at her cry, and quickly swept her up into his arms. "Why did you get up by yourself?" he asked, his voice full of fear and worry. "You haven't recovered yet. You should lie in bed and rest. When the bath is ready, I'll get you and help you in."

"Uh, I think I can do it myself," Sheryl told him, her cheeks flushing a light red.

Looking at her cheeks, Charles smiled but did not say anything. Instead, he carried her into the bathroom and set her on the marble floor near the bathtub.

Then he began to undress her. Sheryl became nervous at Charles' movements and tried to stop him. "What... what are you doing?"

"Help you take a bath," Charles told her with resolution. "You are too weak to bathe yourself, Sher, and I want to help you. Otherwise I'll just be worried about you."

"No, I can take a bath by myself." There were bright lights in the bathroom. Sheryl was not undressed yet, but she felt like she was wearing nothing in front of Charles. She couldn't imagine what it would be like if he was to stay in the room while she was taking a bath. Embarrassed, she pushed him back. "Get out now," she said.

"We are a couple. Don't be so shy, Sher," Charles said. He eyed Sheryl from head to toe and then said in a playful tone, "Which part of your body haven't I seen before? Which inch of your skin have I not touched?"

"Charles, you..." Sheryl blushed even more, and gave Charles another gentle push. "Get out now!"

But Charles didn't move. He didn't want to leave the bathroom. While Sheryl was feeling upset and pissed off at him as well as embarrassed, he took her hand and pulled her towards himself. "Don't move," he told her as he wrapped his arms around her.

Sheryl resigned to standing still and motionless like Charles had ordered.

"What... what are you doing now?" Sheryl asked bashfully, feeling that he was running his hands over her body.

Charles gave her no answer; he quickly took off her clothes, lifted her up into his arms, walked over to the bathtub, and then lowered her into the lukewarm water. Using the bath sponge that was on the edge, he started to scrub her body gently in case it would make her uncomfortable.

At first, Sheryl felt bashful and embarrassed, but when she saw Charles' limpid eyes and his clean and broad forehead, she realized that she was thinking too much and overreacting. She started to relax, feeling more reassured, and gave her body over to Charles, letting him scrub every inch of her body.

Charles scrubbed Sheryl with gentle strokes. When he was finished, he rinsed her off, wrapped her up in a towel and helped her out of the tub. He carried her back to the bed and set her down. Sheryl was quiet during all of this, letting him take care of her.


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