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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 952

Susan angrily exclaimed, "Damn it! I wish I would never see him again in my life. I mean it."

Sheryl didn't know much about Cary, but she was sure that he could be trusted, because he was Charles' friend.

Moreover, she had contacted him about business deals several times before. She had always found him to be a strict and responsible gentleman, but he was, by nature, a joker.

Maybe that was why Susan detested him so much.

"What did he do to upset you?" Sheryl asked in an intrigued tone. She was curious about what had happened between them, and she was afraid that Cary would suffer if he had a crush on Susan.

Susan hesitated, "He..." Then she stopped and waved her hand. "Come on, Sher, you don't need to know what he has done. All you need to know is that he's total bastard, and you'd be best to stay away from him unless you're looking for trouble."

Sheryl was dumbfounded when she heard Susan's warning about Cary.

She looked at her and clarified, "It must be a misunderstanding. As far as I know, Cary's not as bad as you said he is. He is generally good but it's true that he has an evil tongue. Maybe you'll change your mind if you get to know him more."

Susan frowned. "Come on! I'd rather not. All I want to do is stay as far away from him as possible."

She sounded more and more agitated, which made Sheryl more curious to learn what on earth Cary had done to her.

He was a man who liked challenges, so he wouldn't give up so easily. And she could remember that Jeremy had asked her about his phone number.

It seemed like he was pleased with Cary. With all due respect, that wouldn't matter at all if Susan liked him or not.

Susan looked at the clock on the wall. It was already six o'clock. No wonder she felt a bit hungry. It was almost dinner time. She walked on a crutch to the kitchen and found her parents chatting instead of cooking. She deliberately raised her voice at them, "Dad, Mom, what the hell are you doing? How can you still be chatting? Aren't you supposed to be making dinner by now? Are you going to let me starve to death?"

Jeremy glanced at her and responded, "Alright, alright, I heard you. Could you keep your voice down? Why don't you eat some fruits first? I'll call you when dinner's ready."

Actually, he was waiting for Cary. He said that he would come and have dinner with them later that day, so Jeremy wanted to start cooking once he arrived.

Susan was unhappy with her dad's response, so she frowned and complained, "I don't want any damn fruits, Dad. I want to have my dinner. What's the matter with you? Did you forget that Sher is here? How could you make our guest wait?"

Jeremy felt awkward as he looked at Sheryl. "I'm so sorry. I just want to start cooking when all the guests are here. Sheryl, would you like to eat some fruits before the meal?"

Sheryl smiled politely, "No, thanks. I'm really not that hungry."

Jeremy turned to look at Susan. "Did you hear that? Couldn't you just be well-mannered like her? Come on, we'll have dinner together with our guests soon. Could you not wait a little bit longer?"

"Why on earth are we making a fuss about your important guest? He would've been here if he wanted to. I wonder if he had been so absorbed by some other issues at work. It's really not necessary for us to wait. What do you think?"

"Shut up! Look at you! Can't you be more patient?" Jeremy had never been so irritated by his daughter. "Do you really think that he's as carefree as you are? Of course he wouldn't have time to come and have dinner with us until he had finished all his work.


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