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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 976

"You..." It never occurred to Heron that Roger could be so shameless like this. He scoffed and then said to Roger, "Okay, let's be frank and let's make a deal."

Roger let out a cold bark of laughter and said to Heron, "The scandal between me and Helin is spreading right now. Helin's fame would be ruined if I don't clear it up. After all, she's girl. I believe that's not what you want to see, right?"

"So what do you want to do?" Heron asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, it's simple. I will hold a press conference to clarify that Helin and I were in a relationship. But then I felt I didn't deserve Helin so I broke up with her. Unexpectedly, she is still in love with me. That's why this happened. I will tell the reporters that she and I have made a deal. We are still friends and will continue to be friends in the future." Roger smiled and then continued, "Does it sound good to you? If I don't do it, it's hard for you to marry her into a good family with such a bad reputation."

"Are you threatening me?" Heron snapped.

"Why did you say that?" Roger asked. He smiled evilly and said to Heron, "I'm negotiating terms with you. This is a win-win situation for us. How could it be a threat?"

"So what about your terms?" Heron asked. Heron knew not to expect Roger not to make high demands. From his dealings with his employee before, he was watching him do a lot of things that pointed to the contrary. Still, he was curious to see just how big Roger's appetite and hunger for chaos was.

At Heron's question, Roger gained a boost of confidence. He thought himself to be the winner of the negotiation. He laughed out loud and then smirked at his boss. "Simple. I want 10 percent of the company's shares. Moreover, you must inform me if there are any good resources; you are to only give it to other people under my orders and permission to do so. Do I make myself clear?"

"Is that what you want? You have a large appetite."

Heron snorted, a sardonic laugh escape through his nose.

"I'm trying to save you and your daughter's fame," Roger told him with a sneer. "Unless you think Helin's reputation is not worth that."

"What would you do if I said no?" Heron asked, smiling coldly.

"Then don't blame me for being rude to you." Roger answered, returning Heron's cold smile with his own. "Don't forget that Helin is still in love with me. She will come back to me with just a crook of my finger. I have her wrapped around my finger. I'm not in love with her, though, it doesn't stop me from being with her. And what if she gets pregnant? Then, you will surely lose face."

Roger gave another laugh. "Believe me, you'll want to make this deal with me, it would definitely be worth it. Don't be silly and make this deal with me and say yes."

Heron let out a cold laugh and said, "You've already figured it out, haven't you? You know I'm not going to watch you bully my daughter like that. That's why you count on your cards, right?"

"Yes, sort of," Roger sneered. "After all, Helin loves me with all her heart and soul. Well, Heron, I guess... that you have to endure me as much as you can."

Roger continued, his eyes fixed on Heron. "Just think about it. Honesty, I've given you a way out. I don't want her to get hurt again since I've seen her hurt while she was with me for a long time. I think the terms that I made are good for both of us. Don't blame me for being rude if you disagree with them."

"It seems that I have no other choice but to say yes." Herson scoffed.

"You are smart. Of course you know what is best for you," Roger said with a crooked smile.

"Alas, this is a big deal. I have to think about it," Heron told Roger, eyebrows furrowed still.


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