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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 981

Susan was stopped by a stranger when she was on her way to catch up with Sheryl. It was undeniable that the evening dress which Cary had picked out for Susan was brilliantly exquisite.

He was drawn to it the very first time he saw the evening dress. He had thought, 'Susan would look absolutely gorgeous in this dress.'

And sure enough, Susan looked so glamorous in the exquisite evening dress that she caught everybody's attention as soon as she walked in. Her attractiveness gave birth to gossips about her mysterious identity. Everyone wanted to know which renowned family she belonged to.

The elite circle was so close knit that all of them knew each other. But even after asking around, nobody knew anything about Susan.

Susan stared at the man who was blocking her way. "Who are you? What do you want?" she asked, tensed.

It was Susan's first time attending such a grand banquet and she was already extremely nervous.

"What's your name?" The man who stood in Susan's path was a popular and notorious playboy in the business circle. He didn't really care about what other people said. The moment he saw Susan, he was flipped. When he noticed her out of place behavior and her nervousness, he knew that Susan didn't belong to the elite circle.

Susan began to feel extremely awkward. She looked around in a frenzy, hoping to be saved from this situation. She had no idea who this man was or how she was supposed to deal with him.

"I... My name is Susan," she politely replied. 'I guess it's all right to give my name at least, ' she thought.

"Susan..." the man repeated, as if he were testing the sound of her name from his lips. He continued with a gentle smile, "It's a beautiful name. Would you like to be my date for the night?"

He was very much interested in her and didn't want to let go of the opportunity to get close to her. However, Susan was shocked by his sudden request. She didn't even want to attend the charity dinner in the first place, let alone be anyone's date.

"I'm sorry, I..." she stammered, trying to politely refuse him. She stepped back hoping to move away from him.

But as she did so, she unfortunately stepped on her skirt. She lost her balance and was about to fall down when strong hands held her waist tightly. She was wrapped in his arms.

Susan was still in shock, but she sighed deeply when she was stable on her feet once again.

Her head was pressed against his chest and she couldn't see his face, but she almost immediately recognized the familiar scent.

"Are you okay?" Cary asked, concerned.

Susan nodded and tried to wiggle out of his arms.

A light of desire flashed in his eyes as he stared at Susan. He was completely enchanted by her. When he saw that Susan was being approached by another man, he was jealous.

"It's very kind of you to attend the charity dinner, Mr. Xia," Cary said, turning to the man in front of them.

Cary shifted Susan to his side and held her shoulders protectively. "My girlfriend is a bit shy. Thank you for your considerate care towards her."

"Dear me! Mr. Su, she's your girlfriend?" The man glanced at Susan who was in Cary's arms. He never thought that Cary, who never had any love affairs, would openly admit that he had a girlfriend. He wondered whether the Su family knew about this.

"Yes, she is," Cary said, with a polite smile. "I was hoping I could invite you to dinner later. What do you think?" Susan continued to struggle to get out of his arms, but he held her tightly.

Cary looked at the man keenly, waiting for his response. He knew that the man was a notorious playboy. When he took interest in a woman, he would do anything to attain her and no one could escape from his clutches. Cary wanted to make it clear to him that Susan wasn't his to take.


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