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His Real Wedded Bride novel Chapter 993

"What's wrong? Did you encounter any issues?" Holley asked inquisitively, as she spotted the hesitation on George's face.

She simply could not shake the feeling that he was hiding something from her. She tried to ignore it but she knew that due to the simple fact that a woman's intuition was rarely wrong.

Accurate or not, she hated the feeling that her boyfriend wasn't being honest with her. It gnawed at her very core.

With a look of sheer skepticism, she told him solemnly, "Baby, I want you to know that you can be honest with me no matter what. We're going to be married soon and we will be spending the rest of our lives together. I don't want there to be any secrets between us. You do understand that, don't you?"

"Don't be silly, honey," George responded with a forced smile. "Holley, I assure you that I will love you sincerely and cherish you for the rest of my life. I will never lie to you. I need you to believe me."

"That's good," Holley said. Satisfied with his response, she snuggled up close to him as she inhaled very deeply so that she could indulge in his very essence. "Let's arrange it for tomorrow night. I will book the hotel, and you call up Donna and invite her to join us for dinner. Oh, and make sure you don't forget to also invite Sula."

George's eyes widened with surprise when he heard Holley mention Sula. With knitted brows, he lowered his head to look at his girlfriend and quickly responded, "I don't think it's a good idea to invite Sula. She is an outsider. It would be inappropriate for her to be present on such a special occassion."

"Why would you say that?" Holley frowned at him. "You know your mother is very fond of her. She already thinks of her as a part of the family. Besides, she has no friends or relatives here. Do you really have the heart to let her stay at home alone?"

With a suspicious grimace on her face, Holley said, "What's wrong with you? You are acting kind of strange today. Are you sure that there isn't something on your mind that you're keeping to yourself? Maybe something that you'd like to share?"

With an uncomfortable laugh, George said, "Now why would I be keeping anything to myself? I will make sure to call them."

Holley nodded approvingly at him and replied, "I am going to go and get started on dinner."

"Ummm, okay." While Watching Holley put on an apron and enter the kitchen to begin preparing their meal, George furrowed his eyebrows.

He was in a bit of a rush to ask Holley to marry him because he wanted to make amends for his misdeeds. Not to mention that he wanted to make himself feel better. But now he still needed to face Sula.

After hesitating for just a moment, he decided to call Sula and have her meet with him so he could speak to her face to face.

Sula was with Donna when her phone rang. She answered the phone and placed it on speaker so that Donna could hear their conversation. When George invited her out to meet with him tonight, she looked up at Donna, who was older than her, seeking some advice on what she thought she should do. She nodded her head in agreement, so Sula reluctantly accepted the invitation.

As she hung up the phone, she looked up to see that Donna was still looking at her. Feeling a little uneasy, she asked, "Aunt Donna, why do you think he wants to see me?"

"I'm sure that he is reaching out to talk to you about what happened between you last night," Donna sneered. She knew her son better than anyone else. Holding Sula's hand, she urged, "When you meet George, just say okay and agree with him, no matter what he says. Make sure to keep your wits about you. I will handle the rest."

Sula drew in a deep breath before allowing an unsure smile to adorn her face and responded dejectedly, "Do you really think it will work, Aunt Donna? George is devoted to Holley Ye. What sense does it make for me to continue to pursue him? Apparently, he's already made up his mind."

"Believe me, sweetie," Donna reassured the girl, gazing into her eyes with love, care, and compassion. "As long as I am alive, I will not allow Holley to marry my son. Please give me a little time and just trust me one more time, okay?"

Sula had already given up on George. But when she heard Donna's words, a glimmer of hope welled up in her heart. So she nodded her head in reply.

Holley made a bountiful meal. George kept adding food onto her plate and encouraged her to eat more. After dinner, he even volunteered to do the dishes. With a platter of fruit, she emerged into the living room and settled herself on the couch. There, she got comfortable so she could enjoy her favourite TV show with her fruits.


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