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His secret spoiled wife (Lily and Alexander) novel Chapter 2051

Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 2051-In reality, there were some things even Lily could not control. She had initially considered things, hoping for a way to gather helpful information during the delivery.

‘Perhaps… If…’

However, there were no “ifs” and “perhaps.”

Lily passed out from the intense pain before the delivery. This delivery was much more painful and tumultuous than the last. When she regained consciousness, she realized her belly had flattened, and she was lying somewhere resembling a hospital room.

The surrounding walls were all white, and there were hardly any extra items in the room. The doctors had also hooked her up to an IV.

Lily also had no idea when someone removed her blindfold. Although she could see, it made no difference.

‘There’s nothing here at all. It’s just another unidentifiable place. More importantly, where are my children?!’

She found no signs of her children, even after searching around. As she touched her belly, it was evident she had undergone a cesarean section since there was a stitched wound on her stomach, temporarily limiting her movements. Any slight movement caused pain.

‘Where are my children?!’

It was her first time feeling such panic after being here for so long.

“Help!” Lily thundered.

There was no sound. No one responded, just like before.

She could remain calm previously because her children were constantly with her. Now that she was alone and her children’s whereabouts were unknown, she did not even know if they were boys or girls, what they looked like, or if they were safe.


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