Micah felt like he was drowning, the harder he tried to kick back to the surface, the deeper these waters sucked him, until he couldn’t see any light around him. It was full of darkness, but the feeling of being underwater stumped any other sense he had.
Then all of a sudden, the waters disappeared, the darkness was engulfed by this bright light and he felt like he was floating in the air, but then he was free falling.
He couldn’t see any ground beneath him, but he could feel it approaching him at lightning speed, and right before he could feel the impact, he was snapped back to reality.
It was his first thought, as feeling returned to his limbs. The firmer he grasped his bearings, the harsher the pain slicing through his frame felt.
But the odd thing was, he could feel two types of pain, one was his own and the other belonged to someone else, only he felt it deep in his heart as if he was going through it as well. They were equally bone crushing, and his mind couldn’t catch up with his body at all.
He couldn’t understand what was going on with him, however, a few rapid beats later, his sight came back and he saw Abby. His mate.
“Abby?!” He tried to call her name, but no sound came out. He wanted to ask her what was happening and why they were surrounded by fire. She was frowning so hard as if she was in pain. Since she was right before him, out of instinct, he tried to reach for her.
And how gobsmacked he was when he finally realized what was causing her such heartrending pain. He quickly retracted his claws, and immediately pulled her into his arms as the woman he loved crumbled to the ground.
“Abby!” Micah’s voice finally broke past his throat and he saw the girl actually smile at him, the person who had hurt her.
“You are back!” Abby breathed through the pain. Her whole body was aching, as if she had been run over by a dozen horse carriages. Everything ached, her arms, her legs, even her head.
First, Micah bit her and then he stabbed her. She lost so much blood from her shoulder wound after barely recovering from the bite wound from Micah, and to make things worse, Micah actually stabbed the same shoulder that that warrior stabbed right after she gave birth to Arlo.
She had also been using so much of her energy to keep this wall of fire burning. However, seeing Micah finally come back to his senses, the smile on her lips only deepened with each second that passed.
“You are back.” She smiled, her eyes full of love and longing. “Everything’s going to be okay. I can’t believe my mark actually worked!”
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