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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem novel Chapter 363

Tarquin really couldn't remember a thing. He'd overindulged last night, tossing and turning without sleep until the early hours. Now, freshly awakened, his head throbbed, his mind buzzing annoyingly.

He slipped into a bathrobe and shuffled towards the bathroom for a shower, pausing as he passed Elijah's room.

With a gentle nudge, he cracked the door open and peeked inside.

Seeing the little guy sound asleep brought a warm glint to Tarquin's eye.

Quietly closing the door, his gaze inadvertently drifted towards the study, his expression instantly turning icy.

He knew Elysia was in there, his brow furrowed in disgust, face set in a cold demeanor as he continued to the bathroom.

Elysia's affairs were none of his business!

She could be with whoever she wanted; it didn't concern him. It was just that, being a bit old-fashioned, he had little tolerance for those who weren't faithful in relationships.

Shutting the bathroom door behind him, Tarquin was about to step into the shower when he noticed something on his skin.

Red, long scratch marks, as if he'd been clawed by a wild cat!

Taken aback, Tarquin studied his reflection closely in the mirror, finding not just a few on his front but even more on his back!

What the heck?

Who did this?!

Flashes of last night began to slowly resurface in his mind...

He'd been drunk, haunted by nightmares of his parents' tragic accident, and a memory from six years ago on the day he returned to the States, thinking he'd been drugged at the airport, then entangled with Elijah's mother in a darkened room...

No, that wasn't right!

The memory of his parents' accident was a dream, but Elijah's mother wasn't!

He clearly remembered when he turned on the lights, he wasn't at the airport but in his bedroom!

And there she was, lying on his bed!

He even recalled holding her tight, apologizing profusely!

Meaning, Elijah's mother was truly there, not a figment of his imagination. The scratches were proof!

It wasn't a dream; she had really come back!


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