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Homme Inaccessible (Français) novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Mas Chloé at retise with frowning eyebrows

-Ann Jes stay with you!

Come on’ Ne me distra spasio This is going to put us all in danger, said Clement, Chloe didn’t stop pulling Lucile to get into the car. She tripped a little, dropping a white stone from her pocket on floor

Clement ancane threatening the two in front of him

How dare you offend me, you two ants? I’m going to send you to hell today!

The muscletes man replied with contempt

We will see who is the oven

As he said he gave a hand to Clement’s head, like a thunderclap, which seemed to break the whole head. However, cerca was still quiet

– I believe that you overestimate yourself well.

Then he kicked her private part.

Despite his speed, the muscle man couldn’t avoid it and felt great pain in his testicles!

– Oh my God!

This surprised the man in white a lot, who didn’t expect Clement to be able to avoid his brother ‘s attack and hurt him so badly. He changed his tune and stared at him in astonishment.

– AHHHH!! Kill him, my brother ! Help me! Thanks to his will, he could survive the loss of the testicles. But the loss of dignity greatly fueled her desire to kill him!


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