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Homme Inaccessible (Français) novel Chapter 169

Chapter 169


high foods

The next morning, Chloe went to the studio very early. Clément came to shop at the market on an electric bike.

Since the work in the studio would be too strenuous for his wife, he purposely bought foods of high nutritional value suitable for strengthening the human body.

Once the purchases were finished, on leaving the market, he was astonished to see Lucile approach him.

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– Clement! greeted Lucile cheerfully. Clément replied, looking at her with surprise: – It’s you, Lucile. What a coincidence ! You also shop here! Eyes on Clement, Lucile stammered:

– Yes… No… Me, I…

Having trouble understanding her, Clément interrupted her: – Take your time, Lucile. Did something happen to you ? Lucile blushed all of a sudden: she was ashamed. Indeed, arrival t r this morning outside Chloé’s house, she had followed Clément to the market.

And then, armed with courage, the girl said, biting her lips lightly: — Actually, I come deliberately in order to express my gratitude to you. Thank you so much for saving me yesterday.

This response dumbfounded Clément. Then he explained with a forced smile – Please. And if I saved you, it’s because you’re a close friend of my wife. With that, Lucile shook her head and courageously continued Clement… in fact, I know that the person who saved me the other day in the Jilin Restaurant is also you.

Clément was flabbergasted, thinking:

“How does she know that?” She shouldn’t have known, since I masked the face then. Then he hastily denied:

“Why does he have no intention of acknowledging the truth?” Am I too insignificant for him to want to acknowledge having saved me? »


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