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Homme Inaccessible (Français) novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175

The next morning. Clément was about to go out to shop when he received a call from Alina.

Alina asked in a very soft voice: – Master Clement, are you home now?

Clement replied: – Yes, I’m at home, well, what’s wrong with him? Alina said:

M y father asked me to bring you some medicinal herbs, saying that’s what Miss Gisèle ordered him to do. Well, would it be okay with you if I sent them to you now?

Chloe was busy in her studio and Kyan drove Lorraine to the Quartier Glitact villa to check on the work, so Clement was now home alone.

Clément said: – It suits me well, you can come. Alina said in a hurry: – All right, Master Clement, I’ll be right there! Just a few minutes later, Clement heard a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw Alina in front of her door, with long dark hair and a beige dress, holding the handle of a large suitcase in her hand. And at this moment, she was looking at him shyly, and her beautiful face blushed a little.

– Master… hello Master Clement… I’m Alina, I don’t know if you still remember me… said Alina in a broken voice.

Alina was extremely nervous right now. Since her father had spoken to her about the importance of Maitre Clément for the future of their family, Clément had always haunted her mind and she couldn’t even fall asleep last night.

She has already come to an age where she begins to feel love for someone. Any girl would marry a handsome, rich and powerful man. In the eyes of A lina, Clement was the most consistent with these conditions, in other words, he was the best choice for her.


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